Wildlife in the Făgăraș Mountains in cinemas


We connect worlds and bring to the screens of One World Romania, the documentary film festival about human rights, the everyday life of wild animals in the Făgăraș Mountains.

Short films of bears, lynxes, deer, wolves and wild boar captured by the monitoring cameras used by the Foundation Conservation Carpathia in wildlife monitoring studies bridge the gap between the documentaries playing in the festival cinemas.

The 15th edition of One World Romania runs from 13-22 May in Bucharest and brings to the fore the relationship between body, mind and environment.

The festival includes both films dealing with the impact of man on nature, the rights of nature in relation to man, and many debates with environmental specialists.

On Friday 20th May, as part of the ‘Nature Debates’ we invite you to discuss ‘Forests, biodiversity and forest soils’. The event takes place at the Czech Centre from 19.00, admission is free.

The One World Romania screenings can be seen at the Elvire Popesco Cinema, ARCUB, Cinemateca Eforie until 22nd May.