We support Argeș Mountain Rescue with GPS devices for mountain rescue dogs

By 7 May 2024 No Comments

Foundation Conservation Carpathia strengthens the partnership with Argeș Mountain Rescue aimed at increasing the safety of tourists in the Făgăraș Mountains area by providing the canine division with GPS collars and monitoring modules. The new equipment will be used in avalanche rescue missions and other search operations in the mountains. The devices are already being used in the ‘National Training and Reconfirmation Course for Mountain Rescue Canine Units’, which is currently taking place at the Capra Hut in the Făgăraș Massif, Argeș .

Three GPS collars and a monitoring module have arrived at the canine division of the Argeș Mountain Rescue, equipment donated through the Carpathia Fund, a financial mechanism of Foundation Conservation Carpathia for the development of communities around the Făgăraș Mountains. The new equipment will play an important role in time-critical missions to rescue tourists surprised by avalanches, as well as in other search operations carried out by Argeș Mountain Rescue on the mountains.

On the occasion of the National Training and Reconfirmation Training of Mountain Rescue Dog Units we are testing the three GPS collars and the monitoring module donated by Foundation Conservation Carpathia,” says Ion Sănduloiu, Director of the Argeș County Public Mountain Rescue Service, “and we are confident that the new equipment will make avalanche rescue missions more efficient. We’re talking about state-of-the-art equipment that will help shorten the time it takes for my dogs and colleagues to reach victims. In addition, they cover a larger area of the search zone and reduce the error rate in locating victims. This allows rescuers to see exactly on a map generated by the monitoring module where the canine team has been and how well that area has been covered.

The safety of tourists in the Făgăraș Mountains area is a mission to which Foundation Conservation Carpathia contributes together with Argeș Mountain Rescue, in a partnership that includes several projects. This year, the two organizations will work together to restore mountain refuges in the Făgăraș Mountains, build a refuge in the Bătrâna Peak area (Iezer Mountains), mark the Curmătura Maliței – Moldoveanu Peak mountain trail, equip the Argeș Mountain Rescue bases in Nucșoara and Lerești with information panels with maps and prepare a Mountain Rescue point in the Brustureț area (Piatra Craiului Mountains).

Last year Foundation Conservation Carpathia contributed to the restoration of the Scara refuge located in the area of Șaua Scării, at an altitude of 2,146 m, near Negoiu Peak (2,535 m) and Custura Sărății.