WaterBear launches the documentary film ‘Spirit of the Forest’ on the Forest of Immortal Stories from Nucșoara

By 20 November 2023 No Comments

WaterBear Network, the first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet, launches ‘Spirit of the Forest’, a documentary about the ancient beech trees of Nucșoara and the people of this community. The film is made in collaboration with Foundation Conservation Carpathia and Jack Wolfskin and can be streamed from 16th November.

The action is set in the commune of Nucșoara at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains, a community that preserves the character of the mountain village, which impresses us through its natural beauty, untouched by modernity and through its history marked by anti-communist resistance movements. The centuries-old beech trees of the area have been a shelter and a place of prayer, a source of heating and fresh air, becoming the witnesses of time and heritage values that need to be protected. From the ultimate dream to create the Făgăraș Mountains National Park and to contribute to the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, Foundation Conservation Carpathia together with the Nucșoara Municipality Town Hall have created the project ‘Forest of Immortal Stories’. Its aim is to preserve 2,544 ancient beech trees through adoption and to promote the area as a touristic spot with high natural value.

The film ‘Spirit of the Forest’ is a call to action intended to inspire the public to protect the environment. This message is conveyed by the characters from the community who are interconnected by these ancient beech trees that have existed in Nucșoara for hundreds of years. The action illustrates the close links between nature and man, the perspective of preserving traditions, the authentic way of living of the villagers, and the ways in which they appreciate and protect the old beech trees in a genuine and simple way. It is a story about hope, perseverance and transformation.

The documentary aims to highlight the importance of nature conservation and how it directly influences  biodiversity and existing habitats. The Făgăraș Mountains are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, all of which are key to maintaining the health of the entire ecosystem of the Southern Carpathians. Nucșoara has become an emblematic place because of the close relationship between people and nature, and as a result, many of the beech trees found here are over 400 years old and play an essential role in sustaining natural processes. The way that the local community interacts with these trees is an example of respect for nature.

“Spirit of the Forest” is directed by Jamie Jones, the 2019 BAFTA award-winning British director. Jamie Jones began his career making documentaries for the BBC about communities, their culture and relationships between people. His feature film “Obey” about the 2011 London Riots was awarded Best Cinematography.

In a world where stories may be lost, these centuries-old beech trees have begun a mission to keep these tales alive and to remain the bridge between generations as we protect them. The documentary ‘Spirit of the Forest’ produced by WaterBear, with the support of Foundation Conservation Carpathia and Jack Wolfskin, can be watched for free on

Support the Forest of Immortal Stories project and adopt one of the 2,544 ancient beech trees available on

About Foundation Conservation Carpathia

Foundation Conservation Carpathia is the largest nature conservation project in Europe, contributing to the restoration of natural ecosystems in the Carpathian Mountains for the benefit of biodiversity and local communities. Since 2009, the Romanian foundation has saved over 27,000 hectares of forests and alpine pastures in the south-eastern Southern Carpathians from exploitation by purchasing them for conservation purposes, planted over 4 million seedlings over 1,991 hectares affected by logging, created a 78,000-hectare no-hunting and trophy hunting zone.

The Foundation contributes to the well-being of communities living in the vicinity of protected forests through social, educational and green business development projects, and its long-term vision is the creation of a Făgăraș Mountains National Park.

The work of Foundation Conservation Carpathia is recognized nationally and internationally, having recently received the BAMBI trophy, the most important media award in Germany, for the category ‘Our Planet’. Since 1948, BAMBI has been recognising outstanding individuals and organisations for their work and impact.

About WaterBear

WaterBear is the first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet. This cost-free platform produces and broadcasts globally impactful productions on social and nature issues. WaterBear collaborates with an international network of organisations and companies whose mission is to help protect the planet and educate the general public on how they can support these causes.

About Jack Wolfskin

Jack Wolfskin is a German brand specialised in clothing, footwear and outdoor equipment. Social responsibility is at the heart of the company’s development and nature conservation is one of their priorities. Jack Wolfskin aims to reduce its environmental impact through the use of recycled and organic materials, while supporting numerous initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.