
The first virtual gallery dedicated to the Făgăraș Mountains


We have launched the first virtual exhibition in Romania dedicated to the Făgăraș Mountains. The gallery features never-before-seen images and stories of the beautiful wonders found in nature and in the communities of the Făgăraș region.

The virtual gallery recreates the natural setting of the Făgăraș Mountains and consists of seven thematic rooms where visitors can navigate, from their desktop or phone, through Forests, Alpine Meadows, Peaks, Flora, Fauna, Waters and Communities and listen to the stories composed for each one.

The gallery includes a selection of images from the album ‘2544m – The Stories of the Făgăraș Mountains, the highest of Romania’s Carpathians’, taken by photographer Dan Dinu, one of the directors of the documentary Romania Sălbatică, with the support of the OAK Foundation. Users can access the platform and enjoy an immersive experience through panoramic views and authentic sounds of nature.

We wanted to bring the experiences we have every day to people who don’t have the opportunity to enjoy nature as readily. This gallery brings you closer to nature. With this project, we wanted to raise awareness of the Foundation’s sustainable development activities in the Făgăraș area, because we can all contribute to their continuity,” says Christoph Promberger, Executive Director Foundation Conservation Carpathia.

The Făgăraș Mountains are renowned for the beauty of their landscapes, for the virgin forests, for the richness of wildlife species still found here, for the history of the places and the people,” says Barbara Promberger, Executive Director Conservation Carpathia. “One of the longest-lived anti-communist resistance movements was born here, traditions are preserved at the foot of these mountains and passed down from generation to generation, and this is where Badea Cârțan started his journeys. We have brought together places and legends and we want to invite as many people as possible to join us on this hike through the Făgăraș Mountains, even if it is virtual,” continues Barbara.

Each room of the gallery has a panoramic first visual, with a soundtrack based on specific elements such as the sounds of rustling grass, geese, wind or the sounds of rivers, streams or waterfalls.

If I used to use Google Maps to identify a tourist attraction, now I can see the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains through this virtual gallery,” says Amalia Enache, friend of Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “I have been supporting the Foundation’s activities for several years, starting with the launch of the album and now with the virtual gallery, and I believe they have achieved their goal of making the world of the Făgăraș Mountains accessible to travellers everywhere. This gallery has awakened my longing to be in the mountains and I will visit again soon,” continues Amalia.

The gallery can be accessed on the following link:

This project was made possible with the support of the OAK Foundation.