The Carpathia Carbon Finance Project: A bold step towards forest conservation and climate change mitigation

By 5 September 2023 No Comments

Foundation Conservation Carpathia is taking an unprecedented step in the fight against climate change with its Carpathia Carbon Finance Project, currently in the validation and verification phase.

The project is based on Improved Forest Management (IFM) practices, which transform logged forests into protected forests through conservation management activities with low levels of timber harvesting for ecosystem/habitat enhancement and risk management.

The Carpathia Carbon Finance Project is designed to have a profound positive impact on the Carpathians, one of Europe’s most important ecosystems. By prioritising conservation management activities with minimal timber harvesting, the project aims to enhance ecosystems and habitats while effectively mitigating the risks associated with deforestation and carbon emissions.

This visionary project scenario is expected to prevent an average of 57,050 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) per year from entering the atmosphere. Over the 40-year life of the project, this amounts to a remarkable total reduction of approximately 2,281,991 tCO2e (excluding buffer pool contributions).

The Carpathia Carbon Finance Project is perfectly aligned with global climate goals and serves as a flagship for biodiversity conservation and improved quality of life. It not only preserves the biodiversity of the Carpathians, but also makes a significant contribution to climate change mitigation on a global scale.

The Conservation Carpathia Foundation is committed to transparency and accountability throughout this process. The ongoing validation and verification process ensures strict adherence to the highest standards, providing confidence to all stakeholders, partners and supporters.

Together, we can protect fragile ecosystems, combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

For more information on the Carpathia Carbon Finance Project, please read THE SUMMARY developed by FORLIANCE GmbH.