Planting trees in Dambovita Valley

By 14 November 2015 No Comments

Between 13th to 14th of November, 34 pupils and students, answered to our call for voluntarily planting seedlings on deforested areas in Dambovita Valley .
In these 2 days, approx. 1.5 ha were planted with species like beech, spruce, maple and mountain ash as part of the reconstruction project that we operate here through the NGO Fund.

Thanks to the bighearted volunteers who, though inexperienced, were still motivated to go through a hard walk on to the plantation, they have learned the meaning of life without the forest and how hard it is to rebuild what others have destroyed.

We thank the Mayor of Rucar and Mrs. Director of the Rucar high school. They have helped tremendously!
We hope to see you guys, next time!