More than 100 cyclists cycled at the Carpathia Bike Tour, Cobor edition


The event organized by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and the Cobor Biodiversity Farm aimed to promote sports activities in an area of unique biodiversity, the Transylvanian Hills.

The Carpathia Bike Tour, Cobor edition, brought together over 100 cyclists from all over the country, most of them from Bucharest, Brașov, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Focșani, Zărnești, Sighișoara, Oradea, Videle and so on. The cycling tour took place along an 80 km route, starting from the Rupea Fortress, in the Transylvanian Hills, through old villages, to Cobor and back.

The event took place with the support of OAK Foundation and Decathlon Brașov, partner for technical assistance, and the participants benefited from the food point of Roadele Munților, the food hub that brings together small producers from the Făgăraș Mountains.

Foundation Conservation Carpathia is developing a project in Cobor for biodiversity conservation and sustainable pasture management, while promoting eco-tourism on the farms it has brought back to life in a process of restoration. Here, cyclists enjoyed a brunch with goulash and other local treats, then went to the meadow to see the more than 150 Transylvanian Grey cattle and the Carpathian Shepherd dogs that the foundation raises to donate to farmers to prevent conflicts with wild animals, as well as some of the horses kept at grass here. The Cobor Biodiversity Farm is located in rural Transylvania, close to the Făgăraș mountains, in a settlement first documented in 1206. It is distinguished by its sustainable, nature-friendly farming model and by its project to reintroduce the Transylvanian Grey cattle, a historical species of cattle, almost extinct in Transylvania and well known from Nicolae Grigorescu’s painting ‘The Oxcart’.

On the way back, cyclists could also see one of the few remaining ancient oak pastures in the country and in Europe, as well as the Rupea Fortress.

Now in its first edition, the Carpathia Bike Tour is a cycling event concept, developed by Foundation Conservation Carpathia, which promotes cycling and highlights biodiversity.