
Făgăraș Fest at the 5th edition

In 2022 we are going to Sebeșu de Sus, in Sibiu county!

Sebeșu de Sus (in Saxon Schäis, in German Ober-Schewesch, Ober-Schewisch, in Hungarian Oltfelsősebes, Felsősebes) is located 30 km from Sibiu and 52 km from Făgăraș, on a road off the secondary road connecting Avrig and Sibiu.

The peaks in the area – Negoiu (2535 m), Suru (2281 m), Budislav (2345 m), Ciortea (2426 m) or Scara (2213 m), are a real challenge for the mountain lovers.

The hiking trails are plentiful, the flora and fauna are abundant and the landscapes are unforgettable. All of them will convince you to stay here as long as possible, because the Făgăraș Mountains are magneficent!

The local people are welcoming, good hosts, and the food in the area is delicious, because the natural richness of the surroundings can be felt on your plate.



Situated at the foothills of the Făgăraș Mountains, the town of Avrig is set in a real natural amphitheatre, where the landscape rises and falls from 2500 to 350 metres. The town is located on the Olt valley, about 26 km from Sibiu.

You can reach Avrig by public transport – train or bus, or by car:

  • Bucharest – A1-Pitești-DN7/Sibiu-Avrig (265 km)
  • Brasov-DN1/E68-Avrig (116 km)
  • Pitești-Rîmnicu Vîlcea-Călimănești-Avrig (157 km)
  • Cluj Napoca-Sebeș-Avrig (200km)

The project is implemented by Foundation Carpathia Conservation, in partnership with Asociația Ocolul Silvic Carpathia, Asociația de Vânătoare Piatra Craiului Făgăraș Conservation, SC Carpathia Agro & Finance SRL, Conservation Capital Consulting Ltd., Basarab I – Argeș County Gendarmerie Inspectorate and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas. This material was realised with the financial support of the European Commission through the LIFE Nature programme (www.ec.europa.eu) and from Arcadia Foundation through the ELP programme (Endangered Landscapes Programme, www.endangeredlandscapes.org). The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.