
Our activities are splitted into five major pillars.

Land conservation

  • Purchase of 3,300 ha of natural forests, spruce monocultures or degraded land due to abusive exploitation practises for restoration purposes;
  • Obtain the highest legal protection level for at least 2,000 ha of natural forests by stipulating their complete protection in the National Catalogue of Virgin Forests or by stipulating a non-intervention approach in the Management Plan of the Natura 2000 sites.
  • Obtain the highest legal protection level for at least 2,000 ha of natural forests by stipulating their complete protection in the National Catalogue of Virgin Forests or by stipulating a non-intervention approach in the Management Plan of the Natura 2000 sites.

Ecological restoration

  • Restore 500 ha of clear-cuts
  • Convert 500 ha of spruce monocultures back to a mixed and healthy mountain forest
  • Establish new tree nurseries in order to produce saplings from indigenous seed sources
  • Remove riparian invasive species from two mountain valleys
  • Erosion control on 20 km of former exploitation roads
  • Restoration of 250 ha alpine grasslands with dwarf pine, rhododendron and juniper

Wildlife conservation

  • Reintroduce bison and beavers into Southern Făgăraș Mountains
  • Create a successful model of human-wildlife coexistence over ca. 80,000 ha by:
    • wildlife management based on prevention measure (provision of guarding dogs and electric fences)
    • rapid intervention team for direct conflict mitigation
    • innovative compensation measures
    • promote a wildlife management oriented on wildlife-human conflict mitigation

Community outreach

  • involve and empower local communities to be involved in conservation and sustainability
  • involve civil society through volunteer, ambassador and education programmes
  • create direct jobs and income through restoration work
  • develop an interesting destination through the wilderness label, the reintroduction of bison and beavers and the development of wildlife watching programmes
  • organise national and local events
  • involve local and national media to release a series of articles and newsletters regarding the project progress.

Conservation enterprises

  • Developing conservation enterprises to improve the conservation situation, create jobs and income opportunities for locals, and financially contribute to protected area administration and conservation easements for land owners.
  • Set up at least 10 functioning conservation enterprises within the local communities, to create a green economy that will bring a sustainable livelihood for the people.

The project is implemented by Foundation Carpathia Conservation, in partnership with Asociația Ocolul Silvic Carpathia, Asociația de Vânătoare Piatra Craiului Făgăraș Conservation, SC Carpathia Agro & Finance SRL, Conservation Capital Consulting Ltd., Basarab I – Argeș County Gendarmerie Inspectorate and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas. This material was realised with the financial support of the European Commission through the LIFE Nature programme ( and from Arcadia Foundation through the ELP programme (Endangered Landscapes Programme, The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.