Foundation Conservation Carpathia renews its commitment to nature and people with a new visual identity

By 22 January 2024 No Comments

Foundation Conservation Carpathia reaffirms its 14-year commitment to nature and communities in the Făgăraș Mountains with a new visual identity. The new visual identity message, “For Nature and People”, reflects the Foundation’s core values and expresses even more clearly the desire to build a sustainable future in the Făgăraș Mountains, where the balance between man and nature is essential.

Foundation Conservation Carpathia continues to write the story of conservation in the Făgăraș Mountains by adding a new chapter on improved integration of the holistic vision of nature and people, including the brand image. “For Nature and People” is the Foundation’s signature and promise, a slogan that essentialises the activities and vision of Foundation Conservation Carpathia’s team.

The Foundation’s work is structured around 5 pillars, focused on the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems in the Făgăraș Mountains, wildlife conservation and wildlife conflict management in the Southern Făgăraș Mountains, developing mechanisms and projects for communities, creating a green economy.

Foundation Carpathia Conservation believes in the potential of people around the Făgăraș Mountains to use nature conservation for the benefit of future generations and supports the creation of a prosperous economy based on the resources provided by nature without putting negative pressure on it.

Partnership for Nature and People in the Făgăraș Mountains

Green Affairs

Since its establishment, Foundation Conservation Carpathia has supported the development of local communities, bringing concrete benefits to the Făgăraș area by supporting business ideas that contribute to nature conservation, generate long-term profit for local people and make a financial contribution to the management of valuable natural spaces.

The Food Hub Roadele Munților, established in 2021, is a green business model that aims to support and promote small local producers in the vicinity of the Făgăraș Mountains. The products promoted by the food hub tell the story of small local producers, who maintain traditions, simple and clean recipes and highlight the best that nature has to offer.  Entrepreneurs in local communities are also supported through the Foundation’s free consultancy programme in the process of authorising local gastronomic centres.

Education and sport programmes

Foundation Conservation Carpathia invests in education through children’s programmes, cultural and sports projects: nature education activities for children from local communities at the Richita Nature Exploration and Activity Centre. To support the development of children and young people, the Foundation also runs the Junior Ranger programme, a table tennis programme in schools, organises trips to partner national parks in Romania and abroad, and provides scholarships for children in the northern Făgăraș Mountains. The organisation also supports the Lerești Zimbrii football team, a model of integration of a natural asset such as the bison, which has returned to the area through the Foundation’s efforts, and a local organisation.


Initiative groups and NGOs in the Northern area of the Făgăraș Mountains who want to bring about change in their communities can also access the Community Grants, a programme implemented in Țara Făgărașului by the Fundația Comunitară Țara Făgărașului (FCTF).

Culture and nature of the communities

The Foundation pursues its mission to underline the beauty, values and local traditions of the Făgăraș Mountains through national events organised in partnership with local communities: “Făgăraș Fest”, “Cobor între Stejari” and “Carpathia Bike Tour”. At the same time, the Foundation supports local community events: “Răvășitul Oilor” in Runcu, “Festivalul Covrigului cu Ou” in Lerești and “Mușcel Brunch Rucăr”.

Visitor infrastructure is essential to highlight the stunning nature of the Făgăraș Mountains and the surrounding villages. Foundation Conservation Carpathia is involved in restoring mountain refuges in the Făgăraș Mountains, creating a network of wildlife observatories, training specialised nature guides via the Travel Carpathia Guide Academy and building an ecotourism destination in the Făgăraș Mountains area.

From 2022, Foundation Conservation Carpathia has put Nucșoara commune, in Argeș county, on the world’s tourist map, together with a natural value of the place, the ancient beech trees, through a unique project “Forest of Immortal Stories”.

Foundation Conservation Carpathia’s mission is to create a National Park in the Făgăraș Mountains. Such an ambitious project can only be achieved together and with the consent of the local communities, which is why the Foundation gives them a voice and supports their initiatives.

Foundation Conservation Carpathia supports the needs of local communities and has provided firewood to disadvantaged groups, supported the construction of a dispensary in the commune of Moroieni, carried out campaigns such as “Hrană pentru bunicii din sud-estul Munților Făgăraș ” andsocial programmes for disadvantaged communities in collaboration with the Casa Bună Association.