The aim of the project is to promote and popularize the biodiversity of Natura 2000 site Târgului – Râuşor – Argeşel, through a historical approach and using emotional elements, educate and enhance the interest of young people and the local communities in accepting the protected area, reducing the negative anthropic impact.
Partners: Victor Slăvescu Technological High School from Rucăr and Lereşti Secondary School.
The project will be implemented from 1st of April to 1st of September 2017 at primary and secondary schools from the Natura 2000 site RâulTârgului – Râuşor – Argeşel: Podu Dâmboviţei, Lereşti, Valea Mare Pravăţ, Dragoslavele, Bughea, Albeştii de Muscel, Nucşoara and the Technological High School Victor Slăvescu (the environmental protection classes).

About 500 children from primary and secondary schools will take part on presentations and educational activities carried out in their schools. A challenge will be launched: the students can offer a gift to the forest by participating in the contest "My Gift for Forest Day". Depending on their possibilities, children will make various gifts such as drawings, essays, poems, bird' house feeders, using environmentally friendly materials. Participants will receive prizes and the winners of the contest will take part in a trip organized by Conservation Carpathia, in the project area.
Twenty students from V to VII grades from the Lereşti Secondary School will be selected for a Junior Ranger program, after a session training and a final test. The children will participate in a two-day practical training that will help them truly understand what it means to be a Carpathia Ranger and what responsibilities this involves but also what they can do to help preserve nature inside the protected area.
Together with the students of the 9th grade, Environmental Protection department, from the Victor Slăvescu Technology High School, Rucăr, we will design a thematic trail in Sătic area. Helped by Carpathia team, the students will be involved in different activities: a detailed field research of the proposed trail, the GPS tracking, making proposals and giving feedback for the interpretive panels and signs etc. This thematic trail will be an opportuniy for all the students and young people who will go on trips, as well as different tourists who will have for now a new attraction in the area.
An interesting challenge will be launched for the students from the 11th grade, Environmental Protection department, who will team up for documenting and writing an electronic booklet on the history of forests in the Râul Târgului – Argeşel – Râuşor site, under the guidance of their teacher and the Carpathia specialists. Subsequently, the brochure will receive an attractive look and will be distributed as PDF by email and CD.
When the project will be finalised we expect to have a functional and atractive temathic trail, beautiful and inspired gifts for the forest, 20 junior rangers trained to protect the nature and an interesting brochure with the history of the forests from Raul Targului – Argesel – Rausor Natura 2000 site. We also quantify the learnings the students have accumulated during the ecological education classes and field trips, as well as the involvement of the teachers and media.
Funding structure:
Children and the forest
The first presentation about the forest and its role took place at the Podu Dâmbovi?a Secondary Sc... Read more
Forest History
The older students from the Natura2000 site Râul Targului – Râusor – Argesel, respectively the 9th grade and the 11th grade.. Read more
Press conference
A press conference was held to promote the activities of the Forest History Project, a project funde... Read more
Forest friends on the trip
Approx. 50 students and teachers participated in the trip organized within the Carpathia team projec... Read more
The thematic trail: execution
We started the work on the thematic trail “Forest History”, in Satic area of Arges County. Afte... Read more