Forest friends on the trip

By 28 May 2017 No Comments

Approx. 50 students and teachers participated in the trip organized within the Carpathia team project. The children visited the nursery Valea Vladului where they saw the seedlings cared by Foundation Conservation Carpathia wich will form a new forest.

Then followed a short and fun trip on the thematic trail Forest History, where the kids learned curiosities about nature, what to look out for on the trail, where Natura 2000 site Râul Târgului- Argeşel – Râuşor is situated and what wonderful wonders Nature hides. After a well-deserved break, the children discovered how agile wild animals are and tried to measure their strengths with the frog, the rabbit,the fox and the chamois, trying to overcome them in jump.

After they enjoyed hidden goodies puted in a hollow by an owl, the forest cooled them and told them her history and how important it is for humans. Finally, for their gift, the forest thanked to the children and granted them with the diploma “Forest Protectors”. We broke up with the promise of a closer review.