FOOD FOR ELDERS Programme – Community support in the South-Eastern Făgăraș Mountains


Within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, Foundation Conservation Carpathia came to the support of the communities in Argeș county: Rucăr, Lerești, Dâmbovicioara, Valea Mare Pravăț, Stoienești, Cetățeni, Nucșoara, Arefu; and Dâmbovița county: Runcu, Moroieni. A total of 500 packages of food and hygiene products were donated to the vulnerable local elderly population.

This week, Conservation Carpathia joined the solidarity movement in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and bought and distributed the first 500 packages of food and hygiene products to the elderly in need, from the communities of our project area: Rucăr, Lerești, Dâmbovicioara, Valea Mare Pravăț, Stoenești, Cetățeni, Nucșoara, Arefu, Argeș county and Runcu, Moroieni, from Dâmbovița county.

Thus, 500 people over the age of 65, without a source of income or family support, received basic foods such as rice, sugar, corn flour, eggs, oil, seasonal fruits and vegetables, cheese, honey and hygiene products, considered essential during this period. The products were purchased with attention to the needs of the elderly, whilst being mindful of the carbon footprint and following, as much as possible during these circumstances, a strict environmental policy.

The further distribution of these packages will be carried out regularly during the next four weeks for these 500 people, as long as the emergency situation lasts, and the seniors are not able to be mobile. If you would like to contribute and help to increase the number of people supported in the area or to support the possible extension of the support period, please donate here:
This action would not have been possible without excellent cooperation with the local authorities in the ten communities. Also, we received support from our partners from RTC Proffice România with the purchase of hygiene products, as well as a number of local producers from whom traditional food products were bought.

“In the current context, we believe it is necessary to buy from local producers, small local producers, ensuring that the money is being invested in the local economy, which supports jobs and creates sources of income for small farmers during these difficult periods,” said Christoph Promberger, executive director of the Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “This is our first step towards developing a system that will help and positively capitalize on the traditional local agriculture in the medium and long term.”