First workshop within the SUPERB project


SUPERB project, Europe’s largest transnational forest restoration project continues its activity with the first stakeholders workshop.

SUPERB reunites more than 100 forest science and practice organisations from 20 different countries are involved, and the project includes 12 demonstration areas across Europe. In Romania, the demonstration area is in the eastern Făgăraș Mountains, within the forest acreage owned by Conservation Carpathia, and the project is also being developed in collaboration with The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance, established by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 2020.

We met on Wednesday June, 9 with representatives from several public and private forestry institutions and civil society: Argeș Forestry Directorate, Argeș National Agency for Protected Natural Areas, Argeș Environmental Protection Agency, logging companies, construction companies, forest planning companies, Rucăr Town Hall, Natura 2000 Coalition, the Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity, private administrators with ecological restoration activities, Renașterea Pădurii Forestry district and forest owners.

During the first workshop of the four planned in the project, the participants had a dynamic programme – presentation of the project, examples of demonstration areas in other countries, objectives of the project in Romania, working sessions, collection of data and information on issues in the field, opportunities for ecological restoration, questionnaire of ideas and feedback. In the field we visited a completed ecological restoration site and one of the organisation’s nine tree nurseries.

More details HERE.

SUPERB is funded by Horizon 2020 through Grant Agreement 101036849.