Făgăraș Landscape students can apply for the second edition of the Carpathia Scholarship Programme

By 9 October 2023 No Comments

The Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation (FCTF) and Foundation Conservation Carpathia invite students from the Făgăraș Landscape area with a passion for nature and good academic results to apply for the second edition of the Carpathia Scholarship Programme. Fifteen students have the chance to benefit from an annual grant of 2,500 lei through the Carpathia Scholarship Programme, part of the Carpathia Fund.

The aim of the Carpathia Scholarship Programme is to increase students’ interest in fields such as biodiversity conservation and ecology, but also to improve the quality of life in the Făgăraș Landscape area by supporting children with outstanding academic achievements.

Scholarships can be used to cover expenses related to education and personal development. Students can apply for the programme until 31st October 2023, and winners will be announced on 11th November 2023.


8th grade students – who participated in last year’s programme and 7th grade students studying at schools in Șinca Nouă, Șinca Veche, Drăguș, Viștea, Sâmbăta de Sus, Lisa, Ucea, Hârseni, Recea, Arpașu de Jos, Porumbacu de jos, Avrig, Cârțișoara, Turnu Roșu, Racoviță, Cârța and Tălmaciu can apply for the scholarships.

To be eligible for a scholarship, students must fulfil the following conditions:

  • have excellent results in Geography and Biology (the average of the previous school year in these subjects must be above 8.50)
  • have an overall average of more than 8.50 for the previous school year
  • have been involved in school and extra-curricular activities and be able to provide documentary evidence of such involvement

The application must be accompanied by documents such as the application form (download here), a copy of the school report or relevant school certificates and, optionally, copies of documents proving the applicant’s participation in school and extra-curricular activities.

Scholarships will be awarded to 15 students following a selection process. The value of a scholarship is 2,500 lei/year and is paid in two instalments, the first in December and the second in April.

Scholarships can be used for educational and personal development activities such as the purchase of educational equipment, school transport, textbooks, courses, accommodation and more. The main condition is that at least 20% of the value of the scholarship is invested in preparing students for the subjects of biology and geography.


09.10.2023: Launch of the scholarship programme 2.0

09.10.2023 – 20.10.2023: Promotion in target schools

09.10.2023 – 31.10.2023: Application period

01.11.2023 – 10.11.2023: Jury and interviews

10.11.2023: Announcement of the winners

13.11.2023 – 30.11.2023: Contract signing

(max) 06/12/2023: transfer of the first payment instalment

01.12.2023 – 15.06.2024: Implementation and monitoring

27.03.2024 – 03.04.2024: Payment of second instalment of funds

30.06.2024: Deadline for sending the report

For more details on the Carpathia Scholarships, please contact Adelina Iancu at


Launched in 2022, 10 students from Țara Făgăraș have benefited from the Carpathia Scholarship Programme. The scholarships are awarded through the Carpathia Fund and are implemented in Țara Făgăraș by the Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation.

Winners of the 15 scholarships

Nume și prenume Clasa Școala
Opait A. VII Avrig
Indreica R. VII Avrig
Blănar E VII Cârțișoara
Barbu N. VII Drăguș
Haneș I. VII Drăguș
Sucaciu M. VIII Drăguș
Băluțiu A. VII Drăguș
Matic G. VII Lisa
Roth E. VII Racoviță
Oancea R. VIII Recea
Miclea R. VIII Sâmbăta de sus
Sandu P. VIII Sâmbăta de sus
Uscoiu L. VII Șinca Nouă
Stoia O. VII Talmaciu
Stoica G. VII Turnu Roșu

About The Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation

The mission of the Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation is to bring together valuable resources, drawing together people and organizations that have the desire and ability to contribute to the long-term development of our community. We are convinced that the progress of a community is ensured by education and involvement, through impactful actions that generate motivation, confidence, support and inspiration for young people and that is why over the years we have initiated, developed and implemented, together with funders and partners, a series of funding programs in several strategic areas (education, natural and built environment, arts, sports, culture).