Făgăraș Fest will take place in Sebeșu de Sus, Racovița commune, 26th – 28th July 2024

By 15 February 2024 No Comments

Făgăraș Fest invites nature lovers to connect again with the energy of the Făgăraș Mountains and discover the culture and beauty of the villages that surround them. This time it will take place in Sebeșu de Sus, on the Moașei Valley, Racovița commune in Sibiu county, from 26th – 28th July. Lupii lui Calancea and Surorile Osoianu will make the 5th edition of the festival an unforgettable summer experience. Făgăraș Fest is a sustainable festival, about nature and people, good music, outdoor film evenings, guided nature hikes and activities for all ages, in short about ‘being together’. Access to the festival is free.

The event, organised by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas, starts on Friday 26th July with an outdoor film screening and concert.

Saturday and Sunday are dedicated to concerts, dancing to exciting rhythms and connecting with nature and the local culture of the community through guided hikes on the flora and fauna of the Făgăraș Mountains and tours of the village of Sebeșu de Sus. The atmosphere of the second day of the festival will be warmed up by the well-known band Lupii lui Calancea, who will take the stage accompanied by the Surorile Osoianu. Dan Amariei will end the evening with a mix of good music.
The flavour of the festival is savoured through the tasty products of local producers, prepared with love and skill. And for the nostalgic and for those who love handmade products, made with care and respect for local traditions, Făgăraș Fest will include a trade fair for craftsmen, local artisans and small producers.

Făgăraș Fest is a festival to be experienced together with friends and the whole family, that’s why the youngest participants and their parents will look forward to local handicraft workshops, interactive activities about nature and an area dedicated to sports.

New to the festival is the Junior Rangers area, a specially designed space for the little ones. Here, the most curious of the festival participants will be introduced through games and creative activities to the world of animals, plants and insects of the Făgăraș Mountains, but also to the specific activities of a Junior Ranger.

Carpathia Talks returns to the festival this year with open discussions in which Foundation Conservation Carpathia specialists will share field experiences and key information on biodiversity, conservation and green affairs.

Făgăraș Fest – a green promise for the future of local communities
Făgăraș Fest is a manifest festival for the establishment of the Făgăraș Mountains National Park. The event aims to highlight the natural and cultural values of another community around the Făgăraș Mountains. The festival was launched in 2019 in the southern part of the Făgăraș Mountains and has taken place in Lerești, Nucșoara, then on the Avrig Valley and Porumbacu de Sus.
The festival is a contribution to the well-being of the locals and to the protection of nature, and the presence of the public at the festival supports this. Spending time and holidays in the Făgăraș Mountains area is a small ‘investment’ in the local economy, which will start to work and lead to the development of ecotourism.

More details about the festival can be found on the official Facebook page HERE.

Partners: Alpha Bank Romania, Primăria Racovița, Poșta Română, Serviciul Public Județean Salvamont – Salvaspeo Brașov, Asociația Salvatorilor Montani România, Voluntariat Brașov.
Media partner: Radio Guerrilla.

The event is part of the project ‘Creation of a wilderness area in the southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania’, LIFE18 NAT/RO/00108. The main aim of the project is to reconstruct degraded habitats and to apply conservation measures that will allow the restoration of natural processes and create benefits for local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area. The project is implemented by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and other partners between 2019-2024, with financial support from Arcadia Foundation through the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme and from the European Commission through the LIFE programme.