Făgăraș Fest 2024: A Celebration of Nature and the Community Around the Făgăraș Mountains

By 29 August 2024 No Comments

If it’s July, it’s time to celebrate nature and the communities around the Făgăraș Mountains! For the past five years, Foundation Conservation Carpathia and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas have been organizing the Făgăraș Fest in a picturesque landscape. This year, 7,000 nature enthusiasts and those who enjoy a good time gathered in an idyllic setting to appreciate the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains and participate in a multitude of exciting activities. The location: Sebeșu de Sus, Racovița commune, Sibiu County. After three days of festival, we can say: it was memorable!

The story of Făgăraș Fest begins where the hot asphalt ends, and the Moașei Valley leads the traveller towards the cool mountain trails.

The festival kicked off with a concert by the band Coma, who electrified the audience with their hit ‘The Most Beautiful Place on Earth’. Friday evening continued with the screening of the documentary Wild Transylvania, directed by John Murray and narrated by Jeremy Irons, setting the perfect atmosphere for coming together to explore the fascinating biodiversity of Transylvania.

Guided tours and hiking

During the three-day festival, more than 20 guided tours took place, with 755 people exploring nature and local culture.

The guided tours started early in the morning and continued until late after sunset. Participants had the chance to observe birds at sunrise and sunset with Codruț Helerea or explore the local flora under the guidance of Mihaela Sava. Rangers Liviu Ungureanu and Călin Șerban, specialised in the reintroduction of bison and beavers, also led tours focusing on local wildlife, explaining the methods of non-invasive monitoring of wild animals.

Entomological tours with biologist Maria Stănciugelu and excursions to the waterfalls in the Moașei Valley, guided by Georgiana Crețu, offered unforgettable moments, while the night tours exploring bats added a touch of mystery and adventure.

Workshops and activities for all

Făgăraș Fest is the perfect festival to spend time with friends and family. Interactive activities for all ages were prepared. Children enjoyed the ‘Făgăraș Mountains Explorers’ race and embarked on the ‘Save the Planet Adventure’.

Creative recycling workshops, led by Roxana Puriș, provided participants with a great opportunity to learn more about sustainability and material reuse.

A Festival of authentic tastes

Another highlight of the festival: products prepared by local producers. Participants had the opportunity to discover and savour traditional products from the region, ranging from tasty dishes cooked in traditional pots to craft beers and sweet treats. There was also a small market featuring local craftsmen, artisans, and small producers.

Carpathia Talks: Dialogues about the present and future

This year we continued our dialogues on environmental topics and the relationship between people and nature. The Carpathia Talks covered subjects such as ‘The Right to Nature’, ‘Forests’, ‘Sustainable Development of Communities Around the Făgăraș Mountains’, and ‘Invasive Alien Plants’, providing a platform for discussions on current environmental issues and inviting the audience to join in a relaxed atmosphere.

Rhythms and energy

The festival atmosphere was brought to life by Calancea’s Wolves and the Osoianu Sisters, Hanu cu Bragă, DJ Raul (Founder of Sounds of Suru), and Dan Amariei, who turned Saturday into a vibrant celebration, filling the air with rhythms and melodies that got everyone on their feet.

During Făgăraș Fest, the local community showcased its traditions and cultural values through folklore ensembles that took the stage. We discovered talented young people and children, alongside village elders, who delighted us with music, dances, and traditional customs specific to the area.

Făgăraș Fest 2024: An ongoing adventure

With over 200 camping tents, hiking and biking trails covering dozens of kilometres, the festival offered participants the chance to reconnect with nature and discover the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains.

Throughout the event, participants could send postcards with views and messages from the festival, thanks to a partnership with Romanian Post.

Făgăraș Fest is the only traveling festival of the Făgăraș Mountains, aiming each year to showcase the natural and cultural values of a different community surrounding the Făgăraș Mountains. This year’s event was supported by Alpha Bank.

The festival ended with the promise of returning next year, continuing to highlight the beauty and values of the Făgăraș Mountains in a sustainable and educational manner. The organisers covered more than 60 km over the three days, and participants walked between 25 and 30 km, proving that Făgăraș Fest is indeed an unforgettable experience for all involved.

Partners: Racovița Town Hall, Romanian Post, County Public Service Salvamont – Salvaspeo Brașov, Mountain Rescuers Association Romania, Volunteering Brașov.

Media Partners: Radio Guerrilla, Radio Romania Cultural, Rock FM Brașov, Radio Itsy Bitsy FM,,, Mesagerul de Sibiu, Turnul Sfatului, Tribuna.

See you at Făgăraș Fest 2025, for new adventures and discoveries in the heart of the Făgăraș Mountains!

The event is part of the project ‘Creation of a Wilderness Area in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania’, LIFE18 NAT/RO/00108. The project’s main goal is the reconstruction of degraded habitats and the implementation of conservation measures, allowing the restoration of natural processes and generating benefits for local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area. The project is implemented by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and other partners between 2019-2024, with financial support from the Arcadia Foundation through the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme and from the European Commission through the LIFE programme.