Deepest sympathies to the Povlsen family

By 22 April 2019 No Comments

It is with deepest sadness that we have learned about the tragic death of the 3 children of FCC’s board member Anders Povlsen in the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks on Easter Sunday. Anders has been supporting conservation in Romania, specifically in the Leaota region, over the last 6 years through his entity Wildland, which was run and administrated by FCC since it began under the principle of creating intact nature for the benefits of nature and local communities.

We know Anders as a person, whose family was important to him above everything and we can’t even imagine what a shock and what a nightmare this loss must be for Anders and Anne. Anders is a conservationist by heart and soul and used a large part of his wealth trying to make the world a better place and leave healthy ecosystems for future generations. This tragedy now is beyond imagination.

We send our deepest sympathies to the Povlsen family,

Foundation Conservation Carpathia