“Cobor între Stejari”, the newest festival celebrating oak trees, will take place on 3-4 June in the village of Cobor, Brașov

By 21 March 2023 No Comments

This event is organized by Foundation Conservation Carpathia, with the support of the OAK Foundation, and highlights the old oak meadows in the Cobor village area, as well as those that the oaks are returning to through the Foundation’s efforts. The festival is an experience that includes hikes, concerts, guided tours and the 2nd Carpathia Bike Tour, an event dedicated to cycling enthusiasts.

“Cobor între Stejari” is the meeting place between old and new, between the ancient oaks that have been preserved in the area for hundreds of years and the young oaks that are taking root here, in an ecological reconstruction project started by Foundation Conservation Carpathia in 2019. More than 550 sessile oak (Quercus petraea) saplings have found their place here, with another 150 to be planted this spring. The village of Cobor is one of the oldest Transylvanian villages and is situated in the middle of these rare oak wood pastures, which are unique in Europe.

The festival is an invitation to discover these natural values through hikes in areas with ancient oak trees, tours through the old Transylvanian village, tours to the Cobor Biodiversity Farm, and to the meadows where new oak saplings take root.

Evenings are dedicated to dancing and good music. At the Cobor Biodiversity Farm, Mădălina Pavăl and her Orchestra will play in the courtyard of the guest houses, as well as Simion Bogdan Mihai and the Silk Lautars.

The festival takes place on 3rd and 4th June at the Cobor Biodiversity Farm in Brașov County, and tickets can be purchased on

You will walk past the oaks and pedal with the Carpathia Bike Tour

On 3rd June, the second edition of the Carpathia Bike Tour, an event dedicated to cycling enthusiasts, will take place as part of the festival. This time the Carpathia Bike Tour invites cyclists on forest roads, hills and roads with little traffic. This time the tour also starts from Rupea Fortress and the 60 km route goes to Homorod, Ungra and Crihalma. It reaches the Cobor Biodiversity Farm for brunch, a visit around the village and the farm and continues to Jibert, Dacia to reach the Rupea Fortress again. Cyclists who have had a good dose of energy are invited in the evening to the concert of Mădălina Pavăl.

Programme and recommendations for the bike tour:

The cost of the ticket is 50 lei and can be purchased on


Programme of the festival “Cobor între Stejari”

Saturday 3rd June

10:00 Start Carpathia Bike Tour, Rupea Fortress

10:00 Tour of the Transylvanian village of Cobor and visit to the Reformed Church (duration approx. 1.5h)

11:00 Guided tour to the ancient oak trees of Ticuș – hike of about 4 hours (tour with prior registration)

12:00 Tour of the Cobor Biodiversity Farm and hike to the oak saplings planted in spring (duration approx. 2.5h)

16:30 Tour of the Transylvanian village Descent and visit to the Reformed Church (duration approx. 1.5h)

18:00 Final Carpathia Bike Tour, Rupea Fortress

19:00 Concert Mădălina Pavăl and orchestra

Sunday 4th June

10:00 Tour of the Transylvanian village of Cobor and visit to the Reformed Church (duration approx. 1.5h)

11:00 Guided tour to the ancient oak trees of Ticuș – hiking tour of about 4 hours (tour with prior registration)

12:00 Tour of the Cobor Biodiversity Farm and hike to the oak saplings planted in spring (duration approx. 2.5h)

16:30 Tour of the Transylvanian village Descent and visit to the Reformed Church (duration approx. 1.5h)

19:00 Concert by Simion Bogdan Mihai and Lăutarii de Mătase

Tickets for the festival and the Carpathia Bike Tour can be purchased on

Details can also be found on the Facebook event “Cobor între Stejari” and “Carpathia Bike Tour”.

Event partners: Oak Foundation, Majorel, Colinele Transilvaniei, Decathlon Brașov.

 “Cobor între Stejari”, an experience to remember

In addition to the outdoor activities and good music, during the festival there will be an exhibition with the natural values of the Făgăraș Mountains, local food and workshops for children.