The Transylvanian hills offer some of the most important high nature value grasslands left in Europe. Flowers depend on a specific type of land management, insects depend on many of these flowers, and birds depend on these insects and on century old woodland pastures. Due to land abandonment and the loss of traditional agriculture on the one side, and overgrazing through sheep often brought in by wandering shepherds on the other side, these grasslands have started to lose their value for biodiversity. The Cobor farm project intends to showcase, how proper management of these grasslands can conserve biodiversity, create jobs and income opportunities for local people, produce high-quality food and services, and create profits for a conservation project all at the same time.

To develop an organic farm on at least 500 ha, which conserves biodiversity on century old cultivated grasslands and creates profits for the core administration costs of the future CARPATHIA National Park.
With the help of ADEPT, we conducted a biodiversity study, which is the basis for the farm management plan. This plan will be finished in autumn 2015 and will form the basis of the future activities in the field.
The Cobor farm provides extensive grazing opportunities and a cheap alternative with full time supervision and veterinary service for horses, which are either young, retired or should otherwise spend time on the pasture. At the same time, we offer a rehab facility for horses, which need to stay for weeks or months for rehabilitation.
The Cobor farm offers for families or groups two beautifully restored farm buildings with currently 13 beds. Until the end of 2015, we will have another two houses with additional 7 rooms and a seminar building for workshops or seminars fully restored.
In 2016, the Cobor farm will start to produce high quality meat products. All our animals have plenty of space, natural organic food, and good veterinary services. But as much as we put an emphasis on highest standard living conditions for our livestock, we also put emphasis on the quality and the taste of our products.
Results of this project will be to create a perfect mix of biodiversity conservation, good farm products, a great retreat, and a good place for horses to be.
The Cobor farm project was funded by Markus F. Jebsen, Foundation Temperatio, and own funds achieved from the farm operation.
Biodiversity study Cobor Farm
On November 11th, we met with specialists from ADEPT at our Cobor Farm to discuss the results of the... Read more
Preparation of overgrown meadows
Approximately 12 hectares of grassland have been cleared from unwanted bushes, thistles, and maule-h... Read more
Roof work on House nr. 282
Taking advantage of the fact that winter has not arrived yet, the roof work at the guest house at no... Read more
A good start of the year!
Our first and long expected tractor has arrived, with its plow, disk, square baler, rake, trailer, w... Read more
Rehabilitation center opened at Cobor Farm
We have now finished our rehab center for horses at our Cobor Farm and welcomed the first horses. It... Read more
The black angus herd has arrived
Last Monday, our first 40 heads of Black Angus have arrived at the Cobor Farm. Now, they have spent ... Read more
Spring farming
Lots of things to do at our farm! We have seeded the alfalfa and rain and sunny days helped it to st... Read more
Hay... a lot of hay
The grass is amazing this year! Locals say it has never been so juicy, so thick and so tall! If you ... Read more
More horses at Cobor
We have more “guests” at Cobor: 16 horses enjoy their stay here. How wouldn’t they as the spac... Read more