Following the forest restitution in 2005, massive clear-cuts have destroyed thousands of hectares in the South-Eastern Fagaras Mountains. Based on the experiences in the Foundation Conservation Carpathia LIFE+ project and with financial help of the EEA Grants/Fondul ONG, Foundation Conservation Carpathia has started to restore additional 100 ha of clear-cuts by rebuilding the forest floor on eroded tractor tracks with the help of a small excavator and consequent replanting of them. The project focusses on the areas of Draxin and Baltatu, where large areas have been cleared during the period 2005 to 2010. Pioneer species start to regrow on some of these areas, and we now fix the huge amount of partially eroded skidding tracks, on which the timber had been dragged to the next forest road. Once the forest soil is fully restored again, beech, sycamore, fir, and rowan are being replanted to stabilise the top-soil and to include these species into the next generation of trees again.

To stop further soil erosion on clear-cuts through the restoration of the forest floor on tractor skidding tracks and plantation of saplings on the restored top soil to achieve a natural forest composition. Emphasis has been given to the involvement of local people into this project.
The project started with an erosion study of tractor skidding tracks on clear-cuts, which appeared between 2005 and 2010, which have recently been purchased by Foundation Conservation Carpathia to restore these cuttings. Once a restoration plan exists, based on this evaluation, ditches on tractor tracks will be filled with leftover timber material from the cuttings by 4 restoration workers from the nearby villages. A small excavator then covers the wood with topsoil from the ditches’ edges, until the former forest floor is re-established. To avoid that snow-melt and rain water carves new erosion, small dams crafted from woven branches and regular disruptions to redirect water runoff will be built.
During autumn 2015 and spring 2016, we plant thousands of saplings (beech, fir, sycamore, rowan) on the newly established top soil. Eventually, we intend to cover erosion in 9.5 km of tractor skidding tracks. For this activity, we intend to invite 60 volunteers from nearby cities.
This activity aims to promote project progress and results. It will consist in press releases, developing of a webpage, editing and publishing of 500 guides of erosion reduction for sharing the experience with administrators of other affected areas. We intend to demonstrate the huge both, human and financial resources used for the reconstruction of destroyed forest habitats.
Results of this project will be to stop erosion on tractor skidding tracks on 9.5 km length on an area of 100 ha of clear-cuts and have these tracks replanted with 14,000 ha of beech, fir, sycamore, and rowan saplings to re-establish the original forest composition.
Funding structure of the project RO2014_C3_031:
Press release for project launch
Public information and details about the project has been sent to the Press. Information has been pu... Read more
Field inventory of erosion problems
After a long winter with heavy snow throughout March and April, Richita is difficult to reach by foo... Read more
Help is coming - purchase of a mini excavator
Following public procurement regulations, a public tender has been undertaken to purchase a small ex... Read more
Manual work before the mini excavator
We start filling the eroded tractor tracks with dry wood and branches from past forest exploitation.... Read more
Mechanical work in richita makes good progress
A functional mini excavator, a passionate driver and four workers already finished restoration of th... Read more
We finished the soil preparation for planting in Rachita and Baltatu.
We’ve had 3 great months for restoration works. Most of the time we had good weather conditions... Read more
We help the forest to recover! Join us!
We have achieved a lot: 10 km of tractor tracks filled with fresh soil for planting trees. Dambovita... Read more
Planting trees in Dambovita Valley
Between 13th to 14th of November, 34 pupils and students, answered to our call for voluntarily plant... Read more
Acquiring seedlings announcement
Foundation Conservation Carpathia is intending to purchase 9.250 saplings of spruce and 5.000 saplin... Read more

A trip in the project area and the results
During a rainy period, few sun beams were well appreciated on April 28th, when our guests, officials... Read more
Project financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania.
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The entire responsibility for the correctness and coherence of the information presented belongs to the website’s owners.
For official information on the EEA and Norway grants visit www.eeagrants.org.