Celebrating the descent of the sheep from the Leaota Mountains

By 23 September 2019 No Comments

Foundation Conservation Carpathia supports events in the local communities and their sustainable development. On Saturday, September 20th, we celebrated with the community of Runcu, Dâmbovița county, the end of the pastoral year, the traditions, the people, the Romanian village and the beauty of the surrounding nature, at the 28th edition of ‘Răvășitul Oilor’ (Sheep Descent). According to Runcu City Hall, more than 100 local producers and craftsmen participated in the event. Traditional products that use resources from protected areas are tasty, healthy and clean products, and proper management of agricultural land whilst taking into account biodiversity conservation issues makes them extremely valuable.

The support and development of local communities are essential for our project. We cannot speak of a healthy future, we cannot ensure prosperity, safety and balance, a good quality of life for people, if we have degraded forests and meadows, cleared of biodiversity, barren mountains and arid lands. To survive, the few natural landscapes that remain intact must pass the economic test. Our goal is to create a model of development of local communities based on special natural values and the presence of emblematic species of fauna, on the traditions, local products and the development of ecotourism services and infrastructure.

We want long-term collaboration with the community, local authorities and non-governmental organizations in the area, and to develop partnerships and programs that bring real benefit to the people in the area, respecting both nature and stakeholders (such as residents, farmers, shepherds, and economic players).