Bear cub rescue in the Făgăraș mountains

By 24 February 2021 No Comments

On 22nd February 2021, our colleague Laviniu Terciu took over care of a bear cub following the announcement made by the forester of the Forest District Păpușa Rucăr. Laviniu is the chief ranger for the Wildlife Management Area 18 Râul Târgului, located in Lerești, Argeș county, and he was supported by the forest workers who had found the cub. The Argeș County Council was consulted and the decision was made efficiently and effectively.

The forest workers were exploiting the wood timber in a windfall on the land owned by Lerești Community, when they noticed in the work area on Friday 19th February, an abandoned newborn bear cub. They stopped their activities, to limit further disturbance. The bear cub was left in the woods to give the mama bear a chance to return to him. When the workers returned to work on Monday 22nd February, they saw the bear was still unaccompanied and that his condition was poor. They informed the forester, Mr. Baciu Tiberiu, and he in turn notified the Carpathia wildlife rapid intervention chief ranger, knowing his team’s efficient ways of working.

The female mother bear had made her bed between two spruce trees blown down by the wind and no doubt, when logging started approaching closer, she got scared and ran away.

Unfortunately, the areas in which trees are blown down by storms in relatively large clumps are a major temptation for bears on the eve of winter, who find suitable locations in these areas, hidden and protected from immediate danger, to give birth to cubs. On the other hand, these areas are, in general, subject to logging activities, since they are considered a priority by forestry legislation and logging is mandatory. The owner of the forest, the forest district and the companies that exploit the wood timber are even obliged to clear these areas as soon as possible.

In this case, both the forest workers and the forest district showed remarkable responsibility and compassion and played a decisive role in rescuing the bear cub, for which we are thankful and grateful.

This is a perfect illustration as to why it is good to have quiet areas within the forests, islands of refuge for nature and for wildlife in particular, where they are not disturbed either voluntarily or involuntarily by man.

Conservation Carpathia makes all its forests available to society as non-intervention areas.

Next, after the notification of the environmental authorities, Laviniu saw the poor condition of the bear cub who trembled so feebly, and arranged transport for him to the veterinarian we work with, Mr. Soceanu Silviu.

We consulted Leonardo Bereczki, a recognized specialist from the Bălan Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center, Harghița County and the veterinarian started the emergency feeding and re-warming of the bear cub.

After the first bottle, he felt better and later fell asleep in the arms of our ranger.

We thank Dr. Soceanu for taking good care of the bear cub, as well as the bison we reintroduced in the Făgăraș Mountains area, together with other wild animals whenever we turn to him!

After the formalities were completed, the bear cub was taken over by the Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Centre in Bălan, the only place where, as far as we know, the bear cubs are likely to be raised in a way that increases their chances of later returning to the forest, where bears belong, in complete freedom. Their quick reaction made this action a success! Thank you!