Banca Transilvania joins Conservation Carpathia

By 3 September 2021 No Comments

Banca Transilvania joins Conservation Carpathia – the first step – building a day centre for children in the Făgăraș Mountains

Banca Transilvania, Conservation Carpathia and Casa Bună Association are building a day centre in Nucşoara (Argeş County), to give the children in the area a chance for a better future. It will be a place where, annually, about 200 children from rural areas will have an opportunity for education.

By supporting the community and environmentally friendly initiatives, the project partners want to contribute to improving the lives of the inhabitants and to the conservation of the ecosystem in the Făgăraș Mountains area.

At Casa Bună, children will be able to study for school, have hot meals and internet access, will be able to do sports and learn about nature and the history of the place. They will also benefit from both tutoring and medical consultations.


Barbara Promberger, Executive Director, Carpathia Conservation Foundation: “We strongly believe that in order to build sustainable communities we need partners with the same values, who want to be part of projects that benefit people and the environment. We are one of the most important nature conservation organizations in Romania and all our efforts have been consistently made to protect the Făgăraș Mountains. But for a sustainable future of this unique massif in Europe, we need generations of educated young people, with access to quality education, people who can build with us the communities of the future.”

Ömer Tetik, General Manager, Banca Transilvania: “What we are doing now in Nucșoara is a first step and we are happy to help a group of kind people who make the world around them better. The trust that Romanians have in Banca Transilvania makes us do everything we can for Romania to be the place we want – a country where we take care of the vulnerable and where the respect for nature and economic development go hand in hand. Congratulations, Conservation Carpathia, for everything you have accomplished so far, you are an example of sustainable development!”

Valeriu Nicolae, Founder, Casa Bună Association: “Casa Bună from Nucșoara will help thousands of children from rural areas. By building the headquarters, we want to be closer to the community we are part of, to help where it is needed. Nucșoara is a wonderful place, of a beauty that conquers you, but unfortunately it suffers from the same problems as most of the small rural localities in the mountains. Hundreds of hectares of forest have been destroyed in the past. The rapid aging of the population, the lack of infrastructure, the quality of education, especially during the pandemic, the lack of jobs, the access to quality medical services are all serious problems.”

About Banca Transilvania:

Banca Transilvania is the largest bank in Romania. In the market for 27 years, BT has over 18% market share, 3.2 million customers, 3 business lines, over 9,000 team members, online banking solutions and 500 offices in 180 localities. It is one of the most valuable Romanian brands, with a value of 376 million euros, according to Brand Finance (2021). Beyond banking, Banca Transilvania wants to have a positive impact in Romania – for people, business and the environment.

About Conservation Carpathia:

Conservation Carpathia project started primarily with the protection of alpine forests and pastures in the east of the Făgăraș Mountains, and in 2012 the foundation began to get involved in the restoration of degraded areas. From 2009 until today, the project has saved from exploitation over 25,400 hectares of alpine forests and pastures in the southeast of the Carpathian Mountains, where it has initiated ecological reconstruction works and established protection measures for both forest and animals. The FCC project is unique in Romania and is one of the most important conservation initiatives in Europe.

About the Casa Bună (Good House) Association:

For over 12 years, Valeriu Nicolae, together with a group of volunteers, has been working with children from the most vulnerable area in Bucharest, Ferentari. The results of their work showed that it is possible to change the lives of children by contributing to the development of their educational, creative, sports and vocational skills. The association’s dream is to build a network of Good Homes across the country to help thousands of children.