A trip in the project area and the results

By 28 April 2016 No Comments

During a rainy period, few sun beams were well appreciated on April 28th, when our guests, officials of local authorities, media representatives and our partners, came to join us on an outdoor trip to evaluate the results of our recent restoration activities.

The morning started with a short presentation of the project’s results at Satic primary school. In the frame of the project “Reconstruction of forest habitats in Dambovita Valley in severe erosion areas caused by inappropriate logging”, 10 km of tractor tracks have been repaired and 8,5 ha have been replanted with 35.000 saplings, which represent a new generation of a natural forest. A lot of effort was invested in it, but we accomplished more than we had proposed, as the initial plan had been to repair 9.5 km and plant 5 ha.

With this presentation, the project has come to its end.

We appreciate all the help received in this project: The Victor Slavescu High school from Rucar, Rucar town hall, volunteers, workers, project team members, CARPATHIA Forest Service and also the grant operator, Fundatia pentru Parteneriat Miercurea Ciuc, who guided us with high professionalism during the implementation process.

Enjoy your new natural forest!