Guests from National and Nature Parks

By 19 November 2015 No Comments

On the 17th and 18th of November 2015, FCC organized a workshop to which we invited most of the Nature and National Parks in Romania. Three Nature Parks (Vanatori Neamt, Bucegi and Putna-Vrancea) and three National Parks (Cozia, Calimani and Piatra Craiului) confirmed their participation and send representatives. In the evening of the first day we had general presentations and fruitful discussions, while on the second day we gave a more detailed presentation about the activities within the LIFE project, followed by a field excursion to the main sites of conservation measures: a tree nursery, a wind fall in a spruce monoculture, erosion control sites and the clear-felled areas where replanting has already started. Overall it was a good exchange of knowledge and experiences for all participants.