Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation launches a new edition of the ‘Carpathia Fund’ for NGOs, schools and initiative groups

By 14 February 2024 No Comments

Non-governmental organisations, schools and initiative groups from Țara Făgărașului that carry out projects related to biodiversity conservation and ecology can benefit from non-reimbursable funding through the ‘Carpathia Fund’. For the second edition, the grant programme is an initiative of Foundation Conservation Carpathia and it is implemented in Țara Făgărașului by Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation.

Făgăraș, 14th February 2024: Based on the message ‘Support Nature to be Well’, the fund aims to contribute to solving environmental problems, developing environmental education programmes, raising awareness among local communities about the role of nature and biodiversity, especially in the context of climate change, and promoting sustainable and responsible behaviour towards nature. Thus, the ‘Carpathia Fund’ is a support tool for local NGOs, initiative groups and schools from Țara Făgăraș.

Letters of intent can be submitted until 27th February 2024. To be eligible for funding, projects must contribute to increasing community involvement in nature conservation issues.

“Țara Făgăraș is predominantly a rural area, recognized and appreciated for its nature, fauna and flora,” says Emilia Ciurchea, Executive Director of the Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation. “Based on our strong belief that it is our duty to protect what we have and give the community tools to get involved, together with Foundation Conservation Carpathia, the funder of the programme, we aim to award grants each year to NGOs, schools or community initiative groups for projects that promote clean nature, responsible consumption of resources or the preservation of biodiversity.”

The total amount of the ‘Carpathia Fund’ (grants section) is 106,530 lei, the minimum budget for each project being 12,000 lei.

Eligibility to apply for a grant:

  • non-governmental organisations in Țara Făgărașului, including parent or alumni associations
  • educational institutions in Țara Făgărașului
  • initiative groups
  • joint teams

The project application will be carried out in four stages:

  • submission of a letter of intent by 27th February 2024
  • participation in a mini-interview from 27th February to 14th March 2024
  • submission of the ‘Application Form’, budget and timetable of activities by 22rd March 2024
  • evaluation of applications

All eligibility conditions and details on how to apply to the funding process are available in the ‘Funding Guide’. Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation invites all those interested in obtaining a grant to read the ‘Guide’.

The ‘Carpathia Fund was launched in 2023 and offered a grant of 59,468 lei for four projects.

For more details about the programme, please visit, or email