Roadele Munților are just a click away in the new online shop dedicated to local producers around the Făgăraș Mountains

By 6 December 2023 No Comments

Roadele Munții Făgăraș, the food hub dedicated to the promotion of local producers from the Făgăraș Mountains, launches its new online shop www.roadelemunț The platform offers quick and easy access to over 170 natural products, skilfully created by 30 small producers from the Făgăraș Mountains area.

Roadele Munților is a green business initiated by Foundation Conservation Carpathia, bringing together small, local, traditional producers whose products are made with respect for nature and consumers. The launch of the online shop under the motto ‘Îți vine natural să dai un click!’ (It comes naturally to you at a click!) is an important step towards making it easier for those who want to buy local products, picked or made with ingredients from the mountains.

Roadele Munților offers a wide range of products, some of which are produced in limited series, such as jams, vegetable stew, honey, syrups, sauces, plum brandy (țuică), handmade pastes, walnut kernels, dried fruit, dried mushrooms and flavoured oils. A special category of organic and vegan products is available for those interested in making healthy and sustainable food choices.

The online shop will also showcase more than 30 local producers gathered in the Roadele Munților Food Hub, telling the story of each family of small manufacturers and the unique products they make.

Through the online shop, Roadele Munti brings the taste of home, the pure ingredients of the mountains, the work of passionate people, to any table in the country.” said Istvan Szabo, Green Affairs Manager at Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “Foundation Conservation Carpathia, through its Green Business department, supports the work of small local producers, with respect for nature, who produce healthy food, in small quantities, with local ingredients. In this way we are developing a network that brings on the one hand benefits and development opportunities in the area as well as taste and quality on the table of those who choose to eat healthily.

Roadele Munților’s products tell the story of the Făgăraș Mountains and of the people who carry on the craft and the traditional recipes that highlight the best that nature has to offer, through the taste, the authenticity and the skill with which they are prepared.

Roadele Munților a green business for people and nature

The Food Hub Roadele Munților – selected treats from the Făgăraș – is a visionary business model created by Foundation Conservation Carpathia in 2021 to help local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area to thrive. It is a green business that relies on nature without depleting the natural resources it generously provides. Foundation Conservation Carpathia provides small producers with support for business development, identification of markets, assistance with communication and promotion of products, assistance with the registration of Geographical Indication products, advice and training so that each producer receives a fair price for their products and can grow their business.