Nature and Community: Foundation Conservation Carpathia at the Festival ‘Livada cu Stele’

By 30 August 2023 No Comments

From the 1st to the 3rd of September, Foundation Conservation Carpathia will take part in ‘Livada cu Stele’ (Orchard by Stars), a festival of music and good deeds initiated by the Casa Bună Association. This will take place in one of the most beautiful communes at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains, Nucșoara commune, Argeș County.

During the three days of the festival, members of the Conservation Carpathia team will act as enthusiastic guides, leading festival guests along lesser-known trails, showing them spectacular views and offering a taste of the Făgăraș Mountains through the Roadele Munților food stand.

In the tent of Foundation Conservation Carpathia we have prepared activities dedicated to the Făgăraș Mountains for children and adults, as well as an exhibition on the ancient beech trees of Nucșoara.

The programme of activities of Conservation Carpathia includes guided tours. They will be organised on Saturday and Sunday, according to the following programme:

Saturday, 2nd September:

  • 11:00 – Guided tour of the ancient beech trees – departure from the festival
  • 11:00 – Guided tour of the flora and fauna of Făgăraș Mountains – departing from the festival
  • 15:00 – Guided tour of the flora and fauna of Făgăraș Mountains – departing from the festival
  • 16:00 – Guided tour of the ancient beech trees – departure from Nucșoara Town Hall

Sunday, 3rd September:

  • 11:00 – Guided tour of the ancient beech trees – departure from the festival


The tours last about 2 hours and it is recommended that the participants are equipped for hiking, have a raincoat, water and a snack.

During the tours, guests will be able to discover some of the 2544 ancient beech trees in the Nucșoara Forest of Immortal Stories and get to know the tales of the place. Those who opt for the tour of the flora and fauna of the Făgăraș Mountains will learn the secrets of the forest, hear stories about the returning junipers and get acquainted with the conservation efforts of Foundation Conservation Carpathia.

The festival ‘Livada cu Stele’ is not just an event, it is an act of generosity that shows that good is contagious. Every ticket purchased contributes to the dream of children in the Ferentari district of Bucharest to attend kindergarten.

We invite you to enjoy the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains in the ‘Livada cu Stele’ and to support together the construction of the Grădiniței Bune, a project of the Casa Bună Association.