Foundation Conservation Carpathia brings the stories of the Făgăraș Mountains to the Alpin Film Festival 2023

By 1 September 2023 No Comments

From 4th to 10th September, Foundation Conservation Carpathia invites nature lovers to visit the Forest of Immortal Stories and enjoy the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains captured through the lens of the camera at the Alpin Film Festival, the largest mountain film festival in Romania. As every year, we support the organisation of the festival and will award the Carpathian Trophy for the best film promoting the Carpathians during the Alpin Film Festival Gala on the evening of 9th September.

An invitation to the Forest of Immortal Stories

From the 8th of September, we invite you to Brassaï Square, to take a stroll through Nucșoara’s Forest of Immortal Stories, a unique photographic exhibition featuring some of the most spectacular beech trees in Europe. These beech trees are part of an innovative project initiated by Nucșoara City Hall and implemented with the support of Foundation Conservation Carpathia, with the aim of protecting the meadows with ancient beech trees in Nucșoara, Argeș County, and developing a tourist infrastructure in this municipality.

In a world where stories are being lost, the ancient beech trees take on the mission of keeping them alive for future generations. This exhibition is an important step in supporting the efforts to preserve the Făgăraș Mountains and to develop the local communities around them.

We can’t stop at Nucșoara, so we will present the Făgăraș Mountains in all their splendour to the general public in the second photo exhibition of the festival.

Promoting small producers in the Făgăraș Mountains and responsible agriculture

As the Alpin Film Festival is an event dedicated to the mountains, Istvan Szabo, Green Affairs Manager at Foundation Conservation Carpathia, will speak about mountain villages and local producers in the vicinity of the Făgăraș Mountains during the conference ‘Mountain Communities between Protection and Tradition’, which will take place on 7th September at 16.00 in the Sergiu Chiriacescu Hall.

The Foundation supports and promotes local small businesses that farm responsibly and respect nature through the food hub ‘Roadele Munților Făgăraș’, within the framework of the Green Business Programme. This ambitious project, and what it means to provide sustainable economic opportunities for local communities, will be discussed in detail at the conference.

“With the firm mission to protect and promote the nature and people of the Făgăraș Mountains,” said Victoria Donos, Communication Director of Foundation Conservation Carpathia, “we join the festival to share the beauty of the Forest of Immortal Stories and to talk about initiatives to support local communities in the vicinity of the highest of the Romanian Carpathians. Again this year we will be presenting an award at the Alpin Film Festival Awards Gala. We are looking forward to seeing a new selection of exceptional films at the 8th edition of the festival.”

The programme of the whole event is available HERE.