Winners of grants through the ‘Carpathia Communities Fund’

By 23 May 2023 No Comments

Four projects that have an impact on nature and contribute to improving the quality of life of the community members in the Făgăraș Mountains area will benefit from grants offered by the ‘Carpathia Communities Fund’, following the competition launched by the Fundația Comunitară Țara Făgărașului (FCTF).

We congratulate the Jugendzentrum Seligstadt Association, the ‘General Ioan Boeriu’ Secondary School, Recea, the initiative group from the ‘Aurel Vijoli’ College and the Carul Mare team, Sărata, who were awarded the four grants and we wish them the best of luck in implementing their projects.


‘Nature Link – Training with young families’, Association Jugendzentrum Seligstadt

The project aims to raise awareness among young families about the importance of a cleaner natural environment and the impact of the forest system on people through non-formal nature education.

Grant/Funding value: 14,322 lei

‘Green Amphitheatre Reading Park’, ‘General Ioan Boeriu’ Secondary School, Recea

The project aims to set up a space for reading, outdoor classes and events, available to school students and the local community of Recea.

Grant/Funding value: 17,500 lei

‘Living Planet’, the initiative group of the ‘Aurel Vijoli’ College

The project is aimed at the nearly 1,000 students of the college, who are involved in activities aimed at the protection of nature, the selective collection and recycling of waste, the conservation of natural resources and the natural environment, and the analysis of biotic and abiotic factors in the area.

Grant/Funding value: 14,700 lei

‘Educational Garden’, Carul Mare Team, Sărata

The project aims to create an educational garden using permaculture principles to help young people learn about sustainability and climate change.

Grant/Funding value: 12,946 lei


The deadline for completion of the projects is 30th November 2023.

About the Carpathia Communities Fund

The ‘Carpathia Communities Fund’ is a programme of Foundation Conservation Carpathia, implemented locally by the Fundația Comunitară Țara Făgărașului, which provides annual grants and scholarships to NGOs, initiative groups and students in the communities of Făgăraș County. The Fundația Comunitară Țara Făgărașului is launching applications for funding projects (grants section) that have the nature of Țara Făgăraș at their core and are aimed at environmental/biodiversity education.