Făgăraș Fest opens with the screening of the documentary Lynx

By 16 June 2023 No Comments

LYNX, the latest documentary by Laurent Geslin, which tells the story of the return of the lynx to the Jura Mountains, will be screened on 7th July, opening the 4th edition of Făgăraș Fest. The event, organised by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas, will take place from 7th to 9th July in Porumbacu de Sus, Sibiu County, and will include nature walks, concerts, an adventure competition and many interesting experiences at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains.

The screening of the film Lynx will take place on Friday, 7th July at 21:00 in a special area of the Făgăraș Festival. The documentary was awarded the Grand Prix at the Festival International Nature Namur but is also in the official selection of the Locarno Film Festival (2023) and the Wildscreen Film Festival (2022).

The film Lynx shows the vital role that lynx play in the forest ecosystem, but also the difficulties they face in a habitat increasingly occupied by humans. Făgăraș Fest is a festival that takes place every year in a different community around the Făgăraș Mountains. The 4th edition of the event will take place from 7th to 9th July in Porumbacu de Sus, under the motto ‘Muntele Vibrează în Ritmul Tău’. Lovers of nature and good music are invited to experience a different kind of festival, dancing barefoot in the grass, tasting local flavours, trying local crafts, all while enjoying the spectacular views of the Făgăraș Mountains.

Throughout the three days of the festival there will be bird and wildlife guided tours, children’s activities and a glimpse into the culture and identity of the area. The summer evening atmosphere will be aided by good music and concerts.

Saturday, 8th July

o 20:00 – Concert by Nico de Transilvania

o 21:00 – Concert by Zdob și Zdub


Sunday, 9th July

o 17:00 – Concert by local communities

o 19:00 – Concert by Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică and Fanfara 10 Prăjini.


The festival is a contribution to the well-being of the local people and to the protection of nature, and the presence of the public at the festival supports this. Spending time and holidays in the Făgăraș Mountains area is a small ‘investment’ in the local economy, which will start to work and lead to the development of ecotourism, based on simple principles:


  • protecting and promoting nature
  • creating mechanisms to help local people
  • continuation of traditional practices, respecting the principles of sustainable living
  • encouraging the consumption of local, seasonal products
  • promoting local gastronomy
  • preserving cultural heritage
  • movement in nature

Făgăraș Fest was launched in 2019, in the southern part of the Făgăraș Mountains.

The first edition was held in Lerești, the second in Nucșoara and the third in Valea Avrigului.

Făgăraș Fest 2023 is organised in partnership with the Porumbacu de Jos Municipality.

The event is supported by: Majorel, Posta Româna, Serviciul Public Judetean Salvamont Brașov, Asociația Națională a Salvatorilor Montani din România.

National media partner: Radio Guerrilla

The event is realised within the framework of the project ‘Creation of a Wilderness Area in the Southern Carpathians, Romania’, LIFE18 NAT/RO/00108. The main objective of the project is the restoration of degraded habitats and the application of conservation measures that will allow the restoration of natural processes and create benefits for local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area. The project will be implemented by Foundation Conservation Carpathia with partners between 2019-2024, with financial support from Arcadia Foundation through the Endangered Landscapes Programme and from the European Commission through the LIFE Programme.