Contest 2.544 – reasons to photograph the Făgăraș Mountains

By 1 September 2022 No Comments

Whether you’re a professional or amateur photographer, you have the chance to win one of the four places available in the CARPATHIA Photo Camp, 20-23 October 2022. All you have to do is convince the jury of your talent!


This competition is open to any amateur or professional nature-loving photographer.

Each author may enter a maximum of three photos in the competition; images should be sent to by 18 September 2022.

The theme of the photos must be nature in all its forms, whether landscape, wildlife or macro.

Each image is judged individually, the photographer’s portfolio is not taken into account, but an author can only win one place in the camp.

Images entered in the competition must be taken in Romania.

Anthropogenic elements are not allowed as subject of the photograph, but they can be accepted to a certain extent if they fit into the landscape or the environment where an animal lives.

Images of animals in captivity or photographs that raise ethical issues are not acceptable.

Photos entered in the competition must be at least 1920px wide and of good quality.

Editing should be minimal and not distort reality. Excessive manipulation, image collages, exaggerated cloning of elements and other editing methods that change the meaning of the photo are not acceptable.

The jury will take into account the Forona code of ethics (Romanian Nature Photographers’ Organisation) HERE when choosing the winners.


Public voting is done on Facebook and the images included in this category will be selected in advance by the jury.

Winners must agree to donate the rights to use at least 30 images resulting from the camp to the organizer for an unlimited period of time (the foundation/partner organizations will mention the name of the author when using the photos).

The jury will be composed of Dan Dinu, Daniel Mîrlea and Zoltan Nagy, nature photographers, members of Forona (Romanian Nature Photographers Organisation).

Following the competition, the jury will select four winners who will participate with the jury members in a photography workshop in the southeast of the Făgăraș Mountains on 20-23 October 2022. Accommodation and meals are included. The theme of the camp is Autumn Landscape. Participants will be able to photograph colourful details, wild forests, small birds and many other aspects of biodiversity.

Three participants will be chosen by the jury, and one participant will be chosen by the public through Facebook voting.

Competition calendar:

Entry period: 01-18 September 2022.

Jury deliberation period and public vote: 19-30 September 2022.

Announcement of winners: 3 October 2022.

The photo workshop is developed in the framework of the LIFE18 project NAT/RO/001082 – ‘Creating a wilderness area in the Southern Carpathians, Romania’ and aims to capture the essence of the landscapes, habitats, fauna and communities of the Făgăraș Mountains. The community of nature photographers is very important in virally spreading the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains and in creating a wave of support for a better balance in the environment.