Carpathia Scholarships, new programme dedicated to students from the Făgăraș Landscape

By 4 November 2022 No Comments

The Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation (FCTF) and Foundation Conservation Carpathia support students from the Făgăraș Landscape who are passionate about nature and have outstanding results through the Carpathia Scholarship Programme, part of the Carpathia Fund for Education and Nature. The new Fund is an annual funding programme that provides non-reimbursable grants and scholarships to initiative groups and students in the communities of the Făgăraș Landscape.

The programme is supported by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and aims to increase the interest in nature protection and improve the quality of life in the Făgăraș Landscape by supporting initiatives in the field of education.

Through the Carpathia Scholarships, part of the funding programme, FCTF and Conservation Carpathia aim to discover and support students with outstanding academic results, who show interest in areas related to biodiversity, conservation and ecology.


Students in the 7th grade studying at schools in Șinca Nouă, Șinca Veche, Drăguș, Viștea, Sâmbăta de Sus, Lisa, Ucea, Hârseni, Recea and Arpașu de Jos can apply for scholarships.

To be eligible for a scholarship, students must meet the following conditions:

  • have outstanding results in the subjects of geography and biology (average of the previous school year in these subjects must be above 9)
  • they must have an overall average for the previous school year of more than 8.5
  • have been involved in school and extra-curricular activities and be able to provide documentary evidence of their involvement

The value of a scholarship is 2,500 lei/year and is awarded in two instalments, the first instalment at the end of December and the second instalment at the end of April.

The scholarships will be awarded to 10 students, following a judging process by a team composed of representatives of FCTF and Conservation Carpathia and specialists in the fields of ecology and environmental protection.

Interested students can apply for the selection process up until 25 November 2022. More details about the required documents and the application process are available here.



4-25 November 2022: registration period

26 November to 7 December 2022: Jury period and selection of beneficiaries

8 December 2022: publication of the results of the jury process and announcement of the beneficiaries

9-21 December 2022: signature of grant contracts

23 December 2022: transfer of the first tranche of grants

For more information about the Carpathia Scholarships, please contact Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation at

About The Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation

The mission of the Făgăraș Landscape Community Foundation is to bring together valuable resources, bringing together people and organizations that have the desire and ability to contribute to the long-term development of our community. We are convinced that the progress of a community is ensured by education and involvement, through impactful actions that generate motivation, confidence, support and inspiration for young people and that is why over the years we have initiated, developed and implemented, together with funders and partners, a series of funding programs in several strategic areas (education, natural and built environment, arts, sports, culture).