Lilac and dandelion jam, limited edition products in the Fruits of the Mountains Food Hub


Roadele Munților (the Fruits of the Mountains), the food hub created by Conservation Carpathia, supports producers in the Făgăraș Mountains and introduces a limited series of unique products in its portfolio: dandelion and lilac jam, which can be ordered online here.

At the foot of the mountains, fertile soil and homely people make good their home – a perfect combination for clean food and good quality local produce.

‘Fruits of the Mountains – Selected products from the Făgăraș’ is the initiative of the Foundation Conservation Carpathia, a food hub that distributes products directly from small, traditional producers in the communities at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains. All ingredients are natural (fresh or processed), come from local producers around the Făgăraș Mountains and support a healthy system of production and consumption.

Partnership for nature and well-being

“Our mission is to help local communities thrive through sustainable activities and business opportunities that protect and promote the natural wealth here,” says Istvan Szabo, conservation enterprise manager at Conservation Carpathia. The aim of Roadele Munților is to become a long-term economic alternative for local producers in the Făgăraș Mountains and to demonstrate that the green, non-extractive economy can provide support for the development of local communities. We are also happy to promote products with novel ingredients, such as dandelion or lilac jams and syrups. We witnesse the production process, which is very particular, so the number of jars is also limited. We are present nationwide through and deliver anywhere in the country through Sameday.”

Cooked in pots, often over a wood fire, the fruits of the earth are filled into jars that end up on the table in town.

Many more stories of unique ingredients can be found on the Fruits of the Mountains page, where a basket ordered is one more reason for a local to carry on their passion for produce with simple and tasty recipes.

Since 2009, Foundation Conservation Carpathia has been implementing the largest private forest conservation project in the Făgăraș Mountains area, running reforestation campaigns on previously logged areas, applying modern, non-invasive wildlife management and supporting local communities to develop a green economy based on sustainable businesses that bring a better life to the area in harmony with nature.