Făgăraș Fest, Avrig, 5-7 August 2022


The mountain puts on a show in the festival of the highest of the Romanian Carpathians. Făgăraș Fest 2022 is in Avrig, Sibiu County, 5-7 August and will include many activities with and about nature, a special Wild Romania screening, concerts by The Mono Jacks, Taraful de la Vărbilău and Vynil, Rum, Tapas & Wine mixes.

The event, organized by Foundation Conservation Carpathia and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas, is in its third edition and invites the public to explore the Avrig Valley, crossed by four of the Făgăraș peaks: Suru (2,281 m), Budislavu (2,345 m), Ciortea (2,426 m) and Scara (2,213 m).

The public that comes to the Făgăraș Fest – Avrig edition is invited to get to know the Făgăraș Mountains in a different way and to discover them in a way they have never done before: through activities and experiences connected with nature, through adventure and meeting with the local cultural heritage, through gastronomic experiences, through meeting with tradition and local people, through history and photography, nature documentaries and especially through (re)connecting with the mountains.

The festival opens on Friday, August 5, at 21.00, with an outdoor screening of the film Wild Romania, directed by Dan Dinu and Cosmin Dumitrache, winner of the Audience Award at the Transilvania International Film Festival TIFF 2021 and five Gopo Awards in 2022.

The second day of the festival is dedicated to nature and guided nature tours, along the trail of wild animals in the Făgăraș Mountains, on trails that climb to the peaks with local guides, bird and plant recognition at the foot of the mountains, meeting with locals in Avrig, a local produce fair, but also music, relaxation and dance.

On Sunday 7 August, the experiences in the Făgăraș Mountains continue with interactive activities, guided tours, games, energy and lots of surprises.

During the festival, visitors will also be able to admire a nature photography exhibition and children are invited to participate in environmental-themed activities specially created for them.

Year after year, the festival aims to draw attention to the local and cultural heritage at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains and to generate additional sustainable development. The Avrig area is an extremely rich natural, historical and cultural region, which deserves to be promoted.

The festival aims to bring economic benefits, so that during the festival the whole Avrig Valley area will be 100% occupied, whether we are talking about traditional accommodation, local hosts or camping sites.

Făgăraș Fest celebrates the nature and culture of the communities around the Făgăraș Mountains with respect, with responsibility, in harmony with our surroundings. The first edition of Făgăraș Fest took place in 2019 in Lerești and, after a break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it returned in 2021 with a new edition in Nucșoara, on one of the trails starting out to Vârful Moldoveanu, the highest peak in the Făgăraș Mountains.

Organizers: Conservation Carpathia Foundation and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas

In partnership with the Municipality of Porumbacu de Jos, Avrig Town Hall and the Avrig Valley Association

National media partner: Radio Guerrilla

Local media partners: Tribuna, Mesagerul de Sibiu

Partners: Romanian Post, Photo Life, CPNT, Domeniul Bogdan

Supported by EMAG.

Event realised within the project ‘Creating a wilderness area in the southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania, LIFE18 NAT/RO/00108. The main aim of the project is the reconstruction of degraded habitats and the application of conservation measures, allowing the restoration of natural processes and the creation of benefits for local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area. The project is implemented by Foundation Conservation Carpathia, with partners, between 2019-2024, with financial support from Arcadia Foundation through the Endangered Landscapes Programme and from the European Commission through the LIFE programme.