Another three-baby bison in the Făgăraș Mountains


July brought three more calves to the Făgăraș Mountains, reaching the total to six healthy calves. National Geographic supports the project to reintroduce the bison to the Făgăraș Mountains and has donated monitoring equipment for the species: motion sensor cameras and a thermal imaging camera, GPS collars with radio antennas and receiving stations.

We are delighted with the appearance of the three calves within the first group released in the Făgăraș Mountains in May 2020. All look to be in perfect health and react well to the dynamic movements of the herd. They have plenty of time to grow before winter comes.

The project to reintroduce the bison to the Făgăraș Mountains is financially supported not only by the LIFE Carpathia project, but also by National Geographic: the monitoring systems purchased help us to track the movements of the species. We are interested in how they adapt to their new home, how much they explore and whether or not they approach residential communities. With the help of GPS collars, we have daily data on their presence (latitude, altitude, longitude) and we have even produced a first interactive map of their movements. And with the help of radio aerials the rangers receive signals near the animals to locate them more easily in the field.

Video baby bison.