About the festival

The Făgăraș Mountains

The Făgăraș Mountains are picturesque, unfragmented mountain areas with no settlements except in the surrounding foothills bordered by natural forests; untamed rivers, whose dynamics still shape the valleys; bears, wolves, and lynx, which are still commonly seen in their natural environment; and thousands of plant species, many of them endemic to the region.

A talented craftsman created everything, works of art that are simpler or more complex to interpret, and we were inspired to build a Festival around this natural setting.

An open and generous Festival, mixing prestigious names from the avant-garde of nature: green heritage, biodiversity, wildlife, the authenticity of our local culture.

We have a unique natural heritage in Europe and unlimited access to it. We hope to celebrate it every year at Făgăraș Fest. Respectfully, responsibly, in harmony with everything that surrounds us, adapting the tone and music to the true delights offered by Nature.

A Festival of the Făgăraș Mountains

Făgăraș Fest is a sustainable community festival, a not-for-profit event, a unique experience in Romania, the result of a good partnership between two environmental organizations and the local community, an invitation to bring people together, as supporters of the Făgăraș Mountains and protected areas in Romania.

Făgăraș Fest celebrates Nature and the People who live in the surrounding foothills of the Făgăraș Mountains. The event is the initiative of Foundation Conservation Carpathia and ProPark – Foundation and aims to promote the uniqueness and the beauty of the natural areas in Romania and to draw attention to the importance of protecting the continent’s largest wild forests, for the benefit of the people and nature. But also, to help local communities find solutions for the production and promotion of quality local products and the preservation of this special rural landscape.

The scenography is simple and unique every year. We have created an event that has minimal impact on the natural environment and can provide sustainable economic opportunities for local communities, an event with an interesting mix of nature, local culture, different activities and experiences, clean and healthy food, greater well-being and relaxation.

Nature experience

We are inviting you to visit the heights of the Făgăraș Mountains. From all over the country you can journey to these amazing mountains.

Once you arrive at Făgăraș Fest, all you have to do is gradually extract ideas from the treasure trove of experiences: choose forgotten mountain paths, explore the world of large carnivores, wander in the woods, try traditional foods, catch up with the kids taking part in outdoor games, sing, dance barefoot in the grass, walk along the village lanes, read in a hammock. Energize yourself with an abundance of fresh air, stunning scenery and a vibrant atmosphere!

You will experience two roles simultaneously: as our guest and our partner. Your presence at the Festival is a contribution to the well-being of the locals and to the conservation of nature. Spending your time and your holidays in the Făgăraș Mountains represents small ‘investments’ in the local economy that will begin to function and to develop the eco-tourism in the area, based on simple principles:

  • Conservation of nature
  • Developing mechanisms to help locals achieve welfare
  • Continuing traditional practices
  • Respecting the principles of a sustainable life
  • Promoting fresh, local, seasonal products
  • Preserving local cuisine
  • Preserving cultural heritage
  • Supporting small food producers
  • Spending time in nature

Făgăraș Fest: a responsible community festival

Together we have the power to be the change, to live a better and more beautiful life. This is the legacy and contribution we can make to the world for a sustainable future. We love nature and work every day to protect it. We assume full responsibility for organizing the Făgăraș Fest festival in the middle of nature and in the local communities and we approach both the planning and the organization of the event conscientiously.

Every litre of fuel used, every degree raised on a thermostat, every litre of waste water, every plastic bottle or aluminium can thrown away are directly responsible for limiting natural resources, creating waste and inevitably causing imbalance in nature and affecting our health.

Please consider two important issues:

  • respect for nature
  • respect for the local community

Take it ‘slow’ when you’re here. Together we create an event with minimal impact on nature and maximum influence on the sustainable development of the local environment.

What is a protected area?

Protected areas are regions with special natural and cultural values, for the benefit of people. They are not isolated territories. They are part of local, regional and European ecosystem networks. Contrary to popular perception, protected areas are not territories forbidden to humans – most of them preserve responsible human-nature interaction, generating and preserving ecological and cultural values. Whether we are talking about an area dedicated to the protection of certain types of birds, mammals, plants or ecosystems, protected areas are the backbone of the nature conservation process. At the same time, maintaining the natural environment contributes directly to the physical, psychological and spiritual health of people, providing the context for the harmonious development of human society.


Partners & Supporters

The project is implemented by Foundation Carpathia Conservation, in partnership with Asociația Ocolul Silvic Carpathia, Asociația de Vânătoare Piatra Craiului Făgăraș Conservation, SC Carpathia Agro & Finance SRL, Conservation Capital Consulting Ltd., Basarab I – Argeș County Gendarmerie Inspectorate and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas. This material was realised with the financial support of the European Commission through the LIFE Nature programme (www.ec.europa.eu) and from Arcadia Foundation through the ELP programme (Endangered Landscapes Programme, www.endangeredlandscapes.org). The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.