
Restoring the pastures with centuries-old oaks at Cobor Biodiversity Farm

By 28 March 2022 No Comments

Over three years ago, Foundation Conservation Carpathia started a project to the restore  the oak pastures at Cobor Biodiversity Farm. At the end of 2021, Transylmagica Association became our partner in this project, with the aim of reviving the traditional pattern of pastoral land around the village of Cobor.

On 26th Saturday March, together with our partners from Transylmagica Association, we planted 200 oak saplings. We took care of all the saplings planted in previous seasons, we monitored the planted areas to ensure the success of our work, the future of these pastures, together with the well-being of the people living in Cobor.

The success of Saturday’s action was also made possible with the help of the cyclists who cycled in 2021 as part of the Țara Făgărașului Bikeathon event for our project, the Call of the Oak.

In 2021, we aimed to plant 200 oak saplings during two planting seasons. This spring, we were able to exceed that goal. As a result, at the end of two planting seasons, we have managed to plant 300 oak trees and our work is moving forward. All of this work was possible with the help of Transylmagica Association, Call of the Oak supporters and the local community of Cobor village.

Sprinkled with stands of ancient oaks, the pastures around Cobor village are among the most valuable natural pastures left in Europe. Romania’s five largest oak wood pastures (some over 1,000 ha) are all within a 20 km radius of Cobor village.

A big problem is that these oaks have not been regenerated for 300 years, and their ecological value only begins at this age. Nevertheless, the oaks are so long-lived that it is not too late to save these pastures, which are extremely important and special habitats. That is why we will continue this ecologically, economically and socially important initiative for the community of Cobor.

The Cobor Biodiversity Farm is the perfect combination of high nature value grasslands, nature conservation, organic farming, an ideal destination for ecotourism and a great place for horses and cattle. The farm is a model of a successful conservation enterprise that aims to develop the local community in perfect balance with nature.

Photo credit: Emma Dimitriu, Victoria Donos, Georgiana Andrei