The Fruits of the Mountains delivered by Sameday

By 24 March 2022 No Comments

The Fruits of the Făgăraș Mountains Food Hub is expanding its nationwide distribution network through a partnership with Sameday, one of the largest courier companies in Romania. The Fruits of the Făgăraș Mountains – selected products harvested from the mountains – is the project of Foundation Conservation Carpathia that supports small producers in mountain villages and helps them to access long-term markets.

The Fruits of the Mountains, an initiative that brings together small local producers around the Făgăraș Mountains, are delivered throughout the country thanks to the partnership with Sameday. Thus, more than one hundred products created by twenty-five local producers benefit from rapid distribution services. The food baskets can be delivered anywhere in the country, as small producers cannot easily reach large markets.

The local food enterprise collecting and distributing the local products from the Făgăraș Mountains area was created by Foundation Conservation Carpathia in 2021 and aims to support and promote local small businesses that farm responsibly and respect nature. Until now, the Fruits of the Mountains were delivered in only three major cities in Romania by the Carpathia team.

Thanks to the partnership with Sameday, the fruits of the mountains and the people who produce them are reaching more and more consumers nationwide,” says Istvan Szabo, head of the Conservation Enterprise Program. “Each product speaks about a village and a family that continues on the tradition or improves it. In every basket, with selected goods from the Făgăraș Mountains delivered by Sameday, people will find the taste of the mountains, the unique taste of the local varieties and the skill of the people who prepared them,”added Istvan Szabo.

Where small local producers can’t reach, Sameday delivers!

Customers can order baskets of local products from the Făgăraș Mountains: mushrooms, wild strawberry jam, blueberries and blackberries in sugar-free syrups, cheeses, honey, juices and compotes, locally produced in various healthy combinations. The orders are placed online, on the Facebook page of the food hub (, and the baskets are delivered anywhere in the country by the Sameday courier company. All local producers from the Fruits of the Făgăraș Mountains Food Hub are certified, respecting nature in the process of production, cultivation or harvesting.

Partnership for nature and prosperity of local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains area

The partnership with the Sameday courier company is a step forward in supporting villages in the vicinity of the Făgăraș mountains,” said Istvan Szabo, green business manager at Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “The food-hub brings together producers who are worth buying from, who work the land with respect for nature and for the buyer. These people deserve to be known and promoted. And good food should reach as many people as possible.”

The Fruits of the Făgăraș Mountains Food Hub is a conservation enterprise model created by Foundation Conservation Carpathia to support local communities in the Făgăraș Mountains. A conservation enterprise relies on nature without exhausting the natural resources generously offered by the nature. Carpathia offers support to small producers for business development, identification of sales markets, support in communication and promotion of products, support in obtaining authorizations for products with geographical indication, as well as consultancy and training, so that each producer can receive a fair price for his products and grow.

About the LIFE Carpathia project

The Conservation Enterprise Program is developed within the project LIFE18 NAT/RO/001082 – “Creation of a Wilderness Reserve in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania” and has as its main objective the development of a conservation-based economy, combining the local economy, development and job creation with long-term nature conservation objectives in the Făgăraș Mountains.

Financial support from: The European Commission through the LIFE Nature programme ( and the Arcadia Foundation through the ELP program (Endangered Landscapes Programme,

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