ING Bank Romania and Foundation Conservation Carpathia aim to raise 100,000 EUR

By 16 November 2021 No Comments

ING and Foundation Conservation Carpathia aim to raise 100,000 EUR in a fundraising campaign. The funds will be intended primarily for the prevention of damage caused by wildlife and for their monitoring in the Făgăraș Mountains area.

People who want to get involved can donate from HomeBank donate section, transfer money directly to the Foundation Conservation Carpathia account or post stories on Instagram using campaign filters, and ING will donate €3 to CARPATHIA for each post.

The gaming community is joining the cause through fundraising campaigns on its own streaming channels, as well as in-game mobile and tablet banners.

We are one of the few countries in Europe that still enjoys such a great natural wealth, and this should make us proud. At the same time, it should make us more responsible for preserving this wealth and its home, the Făgăraș Mountains, in the case of our project,” pointed out Barbara Promberger, Executive Director, Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “We have over 10 years of experience in managing natural areas for the benefit of both nature and humans. We work closely with academia and the government, but also with people in local communities to ensure that Romania will continue to be amongst the top countries with a healthy and rich natural environment. Every partnership, and the partnership with ING’s friends is no exception, is a blessing for nature conservation in Romania and a guarantee that only together, by joining forces, will we be able to save these unique areas for future generations,” said Barbara.

Protecting the environment becomes beyond a mission, a necessity for each of us,” added Silvia Mihăilescu, Director of Marketing, Communication and CSR, ING Bank Romania, “one that allows us to make sure that the environment in which we live in the years to come is healthy. For ING, the focus on the transition to the green economy starts with decisions at the bank level, a way of doing business and is completed, from 2021 onwards, with social partnerships with civil society. Because this last year has also revealed a growing interest in customers wishing to get involved in sustainability and, more specifically, environmental issues, we have joined the CARPATHIA mission. We facilitate fundraising through quick donations via HomeBank, and additionally bring new ways to get involved with gaming allies or the social media ING community. Charitable campaigns in HomeBank are becoming a tradition for ING Bank and we are confident that together with our customers we will contribute considerably this time in supporting the outstanding efforts of the Foundation Conservation Carpathia,” continued Silvia Mihăilescu.

The money raised will be used to solve urgent problems in the area next year and cover current expenses. These include:

  • Installation of electric fences in households affected by bears
  • Hiring and training rangers to act in rapid response teams to drive wildlife away when they become a threat
  • Compensation of farmers when there is damage among domestic animals
  • Animal monitoring
  • Other current expenses such as animal feed and training of farmers

How can you contribute?

  • HomeBank donation. ING Bank customers can donate directly via HomeBank, in the Payments – Donations – Conservation Carpathia section
  • Direct transfer to the Foundation
  • Through your own Instagram page: people who have an Instagram account must create a story and use the “Carpatin” filter on the @ingromania page, tag the bank and enter #ParculNationalFagaras when posting. For each story made, ING Bank will donate €3 to Conservation Carpathia.
  • Livestreaming channels for gamers involved in the campaign