Stories of the Făgăraș Mountains in Images


From 5th July 2021, we invite you to discover the stories of the Făgăraș Mountains in a unique traveling photo exhibition in Romania.
The exhibition gathers selected images from the album ‘2544m – The Stories of the Făgăraș Mountains, the Highest Among the Romanian Carpathians’, released earlier this year.

The exhibition will visit 10 communes and cities: Rucăr, Dâmbovicioara, Valea Mare Pravăț, Lerești, Nucșoara, Arefu, Căineni, Avrig, Sibiu and Făgăraș.

The first stop, from 5th – 15th July, will be in Rucăr. Following this, it will stay for a week each in the other places. Through the photos taken by Dan Dinu and other Romanian photographers, you will be able to travel among lofty peaks, flowers, wildlife and communities.
Starting off on the mountain track, from the Urlătoarea waterfall to the lynx hide, from Sâmbăta de Jos to 2544m high, from Turnu Rosu to Galbena Lake, this album was born out of the desire of Conservation Carpathia to make accessible to the large public the beauty of the Făgăraș Mountains.

“A picture is like a thousand words, and the exhibition and album that we have released gathers what is most beautiful in these mountains – people, places, stories and facts,” said Ioana Mehedin, Director of Communication at the Foundation Conservation Carpathia. “Through everything we do, through our deeds, we try to leave behind a unique project in Europe to preserve nature. We encourage the sustainable development of these communities in the Făgăraș region, and nature and everything it offers us play an essential role. We need to protect the lungs of Romania, and these special images capture the very essence of these amazing places.”

Nature conservation and sustainable development projects in Făgăraș remain not only our goal, but also that of those who want to leave, as a legacy, a green corner in this area of Europe.

The exhibition reaches the communities in the region due to the support offered by: Rucăr City Hall and ‘Victor Slavescu’ Technological High School, Dâmbovicioara City Hall and Tourist Information Centre, Valea Mare Pravăț City Hall, Lerești City Hall, Nucșoara City Hall, Arefu City Hall, Brukenthal Avrig Palace, ASTRA Sibiu Museum, Făgăraș City Hall.

We have created this traveling photo exhibition with the support of the OAK Foundation.