Brunch in Mușcel: Tastes and Aromas of the Făgăraș Mountains


The first brunch in Mușcel was organized on Sunday, 4th July, in Rucăr, one of the most beautiful communes at the foot of the Făgăraș Mountains.

The local community from Rucăr prepared a tasty menu and invited lovers of nature, culture and local gastronomy to spend a summer’s day at the foot of the Făgăraș mountains, in a traditional Rucăr household. The event was organized by the Reviving Rucăr Initiative Group, in partnership with Conservation Carpathia and My Transylvania Association, and aimed to promote the local community, culture and local heritage through the gastronomy specific to this mountain area.

The local tastes and aromas, from over twenty-five culinary dishes, were accompanied by the story of our traditional costumes, a walk in the village, legends about the history of this mountain settlement and music. In this way, the guests were encouraged to experience responsible tourism, which emphasizes the observation and appreciation of the surrounding nature, local traditions and culture while benefiting the locals. The tradition of raising livestock and wood crafting in Rucăr gave the visitors the possibility to taste the best cheeses and meat products and admire wood carving in the local architecture.

“We enjoyed a successful event,” said Luminița Vlaicu, member of Reviving Rucăr, the event organizer. “The community is open and active. We had support and openness from the community, from local authorities and the support of partners. This is the first event of this kind, much bigger than others so far. We want to launch a model that we can reproduce regularly in our community”.

Conservation Carpathia supports local events around the Făgăraș Mountains, events that focus on nature, rural culture and gastronomy, because they support the development of local communities by promoting products, crafts, locally cooked food and local culture.

About the organizers

Reviving Rucăr Local Initiative Group was established in 2020 in order to promote and highlight the heritage, culture, traditions, customs and tourist attractions of Rucăr, Argeș commune – also known as Rucăr, Mușcel. The group currently consists of 7 members and 6 volunteers, and regularly organizes various events, such as open-air cinema evenings, campfire with historical stories, hiking, community sanitation, children’s competitions – photography, poetry, workshops and journalism.
Since 2009, Conservation Carpathia has been implementing the largest private forest conservation project in the Făgăraș Mountains area, carrying out extensive reforestation campaigns, applying modern, non-invasive wildlife management and supporting communities to develop a green economy, based on sustainable business, which will bring a better life in the area, in harmony with nature. Assuming the role of protectors of nature, we have implicitly assumed the role of protectors of local values and tradition and we understand that our mission is to help local communities thrive by conducting sustainable activities and business opportunities that protect and promote the natural wealth here.

My Transylvania Association’s mission is to develop communities through education and creativity by reconnecting them with our own territory. Their vision is to link the contemporary with the past. Sustainability, connection with nature, trust, sustainable development, creativity and innovation, joy in involvement and continuing education are their values. They love small villages and alpine areas. :)) They promote these places through alternative events, development programs and projects, innovative services and products.