Local Gastronomic Points in the Făgăraș Mountains

By 19 March 2021 No Comments

In February 2021, our colleagues from the Conservation Enterprise department began a partnership with the Dâmbovicioara Tourist Information Centre to inform those interested in the community about the establishment and authorization of Local Gastronomic Points. After an initial meeting in the community, in March we organized a working meeting on the authorization procedure of the Local Gastronomic Points, with the participation of the representatives of the Argeș County Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate (DSVSA) and interested entrepreneurs from Dâmbovicioara.

The Local Gastronomic Points are represented by private kitchens, where food is prepared according to culinary recipes specific to the area, which are served directly to the final consumer. The authorization of several Local Gastronomic Points is new for the Dâmbovicioara and Rucăr area, where tourists will have access to food cooked inhouse, with healthy ingredients.
Present on behalf of DSVSA Argeș were Dr. Sorescu Dumitru Sorin, Executive Director, and Mr. Ghemaru Stefan, Head of Cartography, Authorization, Registration and Computer Records Service. During the meeting they presented the legal framework along with the steps to be followed in the process of authorizing the Local Gastronomic Points. It is worth mentioning the openness of DSVSA Argeș in supporting the development of local entrepreneurial initiatives of this type.

The Conservation Enterprise Program is developed within the project LIFE18 NAT/RO/001082 – “Creation of a Wilderness Reserve in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania” and has as its main objective the development of a conservation-based economy, combining the local economy, development and job creation with long-term nature conservation objectives in the Făgăraș Mountains.
The project does not provide funding, it will support the establishment and development of at least 10 functional eco-friendly businesses that will create a sustainable economy and that will positively influence living in local communities.