
LIFECarpathia is the vision of the Foundation Conservation Carpathia for a sustainable management of the Făgăraș Mountains. Everything is a long process, a mix of actions that the project team carries out every day so that in the end we get a set of results that will lead us to reach the big goal.

Here you will discover the results of the LIFECarpathia project in chronological order of their realization.

We thank all those who help and support us in managing one of the largest and most ambitious nature conservation projects in Europe.


The project is implemented by Foundation Carpathia Conservation, in partnership with Asociația Ocolul Silvic Carpathia, Asociația de Vânătoare Piatra Craiului Făgăraș Conservation, SC Carpathia Agro & Finance SRL, Conservation Capital Consulting Ltd., Basarab I – Argeș County Gendarmerie Inspectorate and ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas. This material was realised with the financial support of the European Commission through the LIFE Nature programme ( and from Arcadia Foundation through the ELP programme (Endangered Landscapes Programme, The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.