Children – Community support extended in the Southeastern Făgăraș Mountains


Our organisation was created to save the last remaining natural forests. Trees, wolves, lynx and, indirectly, birds and underwater life were disappearing or degrading too quickly. We recently brought bison back to the Făgăraș Mountains, where they used to live, into the most important green lungs of Romania and Europe – the Carpathians.

We have been carrying out conservation for over 10 years. Hopefully we will do it for at least one more decade. There were mistakes made in the past, mistakes that we are trying to fix.

This Covid-19 crisis is forcing us to change. We believe that we need healthy and prosperous communities in order to be able to improve what we have done so far. Too many old people are at risk in the villages around the forests we protect. We have already started to help! 600 food packages are being distributed weekly during the emergency situation in 10 communities in the southeast of the Făgăraș Mountains.

But we also have far too many children in the communities who have no internet access, no computers and parents who can’t afford tutors. Thus, we are facing a situation in which the education of the younger generation is endangered. We decided to partner with the volunteers from Casa Bună and implement what they have been doing for some time now, in our villages as well. Thus, we are supporting the continuation of home education of children in the Făgăraș Mountains. The first step in this regard was made at the “Toma Arnautoiu” Gymnasium School in Nucșoara, Argeș County, where recently donated computers have arrived and they have been installed within the students’ homes, in order to start the online lessons.

Do you want to get involved?

We would like to do this in every community in which we protect the forests. We need functional computers, old 4G phones, that can be used as hotspots and volunteers to help us set up the computers. The people from Casa Bună have applied this programme along with over 70 children and we want, with your help, to be able to follow their example in the southeast of the Făgăraș Mountains.

If you want or can help, please write to us at

We thank all those who have already answered our call to donate functional IT equipment for the children in the rural area where we operate: computers from Telus and Raiffeisen Bank, mobile phones collected through the efforts of Radu Ticiu, CoderDojo Timisoara.